Reviews for The Fly
Plucie chapter 1 . 7/11/2020
This is incredible
And hilarious

And it just fits so goddamn well haha
I'd love to read more of these!
Fallenmoonz chapter 1 . 5/4/2020
I’ve just come back to fan fiction after a while and it was wonderful to see your new stories when I opened the site up again. I loved this chapter as it was a fun and lighthearted way to remind the unit how dark Hei can be without the story itself being dark. It’s always been great to read your stories and I look forward to future ones. I hope you have a great day during Coronavirus.
J Luc Pitard chapter 1 . 5/3/2020
Misaki always thinks outside the box. Love the interactions in this one.
loremipsxm chapter 1 . 4/27/2020
Oh man, long time no review, but this was hilarious. There is something so funny and satisfying about watching Hei, who is normally so self-effacing, get so petty and competitive without even being able to admit that's what he's doing. And Kouno ribbing the Black Reaper about being a barista- yes pls. It's such a joy of the whole Office AU setup that Section 4 are in this constant state of tension between knowing who Hei is but also knowing who he *actually* is, in a day to day sense, and playing off of that.
Fangof chapter 1 . 4/27/2020
I love this. Hei was so cute to get upset about this. It's always nice to see you write something :)
Sinthija chapter 1 . 4/27/2020
Oh that was beautifully written. So much subtle comedy. Thank you for the wonderful read.
LayLay lives chapter 1 . 4/27/2020
Hei went through all the Black Reaper look and feel to be passed over by the Matsumoto. lol. Well Saitou and Kouno will not be teasing Hei about how innocent he looks from now on.
Verdantia Akalixi chapter 1 . 4/27/2020
Did I spend about a solid minute snort-giggling? Yes, yes I did. Fantastic! I heartily enjoy Saitou and Kouno having to come face to face once in a while with the fact that Hei is really not just that shy/gentle/naive side he so often brings to the fore when dealing with them.
And of course, Misaki just totally bypasses it all. Ah, I can picture Hei telling her about this sometime later and her reaction.
ELinkA chapter 1 . 4/26/2020
RIP the pen, RIP the fly
Dear4Life chapter 1 . 4/26/2020
Ahahahaha! Hilarious!
Bleu Tsuki chapter 1 . 4/26/2020
This was brilliant. I laughed out loud when Matsumoto called them chuckleheads! I like when Hei shows them his "other" side, but I wish they just understood it. But if they already got it, then he wouldn't wouldn't need to prove it, and I kind of like when he kicks ass and shocks them all, even when they know on some level he's BK-201.

Poor fly!
Astarein1999 chapter 1 . 4/26/2020
These are so good I loved the build up and was laughing so much by the end x
Amnesia777 chapter 1 . 4/26/2020
I love seeing interactions like this, lol
yellopomelo chapter 1 . 4/26/2020
That was hilarious! I love seeing hei get that acknowledgement from the others. And “the black reaperista” is just too good
idkusernameoatbuit chapter 1 . 4/26/2020
‘and Misaki’s direct reports’ doesn’t seem to make sense here. report directly to Misaki seems to be what you’re going for here.

A thoroughly enjoyable read throughout! Keep it up.