Reviews for What's a Gungan?
stacygrrl2002 chapter 5 . 1/14
Looks like going with the flow is about to drop Harry right into the middle of a tsunami. It is just going to carry Harry totally away .
K. M. Donovan chapter 4 . 1/12
actually, Malfoy is fairly easy to redeem. you need to derail him in such a way that he has no choice but to look at his actions from an outside perspective. force him to think, not his strong suit, i am aware.

if you can force him to look at things from a different perspective, PROVE that he and his father are in the wrong, force him to think like a Black rather then a Malfoy? then redeeming him is much easier.

you simply need to neuter Lucius early, and have Narcissa force feed some sense to Draco. have her educate Draco on how the Blacks handle things. teach him to be a PROPER Slytherin. not a Gryffindor pretending to be a snake.

eventually Draco will his Make or Break moment, at which point he can be fully dragged away from the Pureblood propaganda that his father has been force feeding him since birth.

give him a "Lex" moment, like when Lex hits Clark with his car in episode 1, and thus has his out of body experience and a moment of clarity that jars him out of the mold his father has been shoving him into. like Lionel did with Lex.

Like Lex, Draco needs to have a moment of defining trauma to jolt him enough that he can begin to change.

find that moment? and you can redeem Draco. i have seen it done in other stories.
pincho chapter 16 . 1/8
That was a damn good story. If only it was a wee bit longer and more detailed loo. But that's just cause I want to read more of it.
pincho chapter 4 . 1/8
Have to agree, Anikin was a self possessed little shit that no one ever did anything about. He was spoiled even as a slave. he was obsessed with Padme and that was just creepy when he was older.
Haggart chapter 16 . 11/30/2024
Exceptionally well done - wrapped up with a neat ending that makes sense in the fanon.
Thank you.
CMVreud chapter 1 . 11/28/2024
This has to be one pf the strangest Isekai I read in some time. XD
cliffdweller chapter 16 . 10/17/2024
Excellent, Fun read, even the second time. Thanks for the story.
Ruby Boule chapter 16 . 10/6/2024
Well, that was... certainly something. Possibly the most Mary Sue Potter I have even encountered... but I can't say it wasn't entertaining.
JEROME B chapter 12 . 10/4/2024
‘Little wizard’ sounds SO bad.
Antianti12 chapter 3 . 9/29/2024
Pretty weird to bash a kid plus harry is way to ooc, and is he gonna have a cringe harem?
Antianti12 chapter 2 . 9/29/2024
The story seems so good but the bashing really a 9 year old?
Jimbocous chapter 14 . 9/18/2024
Thanks for a great (re)read! Still one of my faves. Hope to see more from you if real life permits!
Citan chapter 16 . 9/10/2024
Dunno why I've never read this before. Or maybe I just don't remember it. Anyway, it was a good short story. I didn't think it was rushed like some of the reviewers said. And the good guys seem to be too OP for the enemies, there was no need to prolong it.
Edsu-Eji chapter 16 . 9/5/2024
A little bittersweet, but well. Though, technically author missed one detail from canon that time Travelers in the past for some reason don't age.. it hits them like a truck if they try to come back, but otherwise he should have been forever fifteen year old.. whether it would have hit him like a truck without forcibly traveling in the future, but living it is whole other question. Likely he would have started aging right after this day on normal pace
EvelynnSylph chapter 16 . 9/2/2024
The story is really good, I like it a lot!
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