Reviews for Live Forever
Shinobi Gatana chapter 7 . 12/18/2024
Not bad
Guest chapter 7 . 11/19/2024
Very well done. Glad I found this.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/19/2024
Truly well done. Just wish these were longer. Better done relationships and interactions amongst everyone than most for sure.
timbeau chapter 1 . 9/15/2024
Hermione is 100% right Oasis are crap
JerodStorm chapter 4 . 8/19/2024
I didnt receive my How Not To b A Hack Writer handbook when I made mine but maybe it is lost in the mail like so many other orders I've made. On that note I have actually read a book Aeronauts Windlass it was called about something or other I can't quite remember but it also had the same feeling of like four different points of view over a single time period as well so yeah. Definitely Good advice for writing stories in the future.
rishi547 chapter 7 . 6/20/2024
God, you’re such an amazing writer.
nif-ravenpuff chapter 7 . 6/16/2024
I love coming back to this story. Great telling of each character’s humanity. Touching one-liners (like “hear the silence” and Rubber Soul)
Molenir chapter 7 . 6/6/2024
Great fun story. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing.
fvdv123 chapter 7 . 6/4/2024
I would appreciate it if the Author marked this story as abandoned instead of completed, I wasted my time here.
Books85 chapter 7 . 5/20/2024
While this is not really a classic fix-it, it does untangle many of the conundrums that troubled Harry in OOTP.
No Snape teaching occlumency.
No mystery of the prophecy to entrap Harry (and get Sirius killed.)
Better communication between the students and the parental units with the mirrors.

I am sure that other things would have been better with the help of the GITS, but I am too tired to come up with them right now. (I'm old and it's past my bedtime!)

Thank you for taking the opportunity of the Covid epidemic to make something enjoyable to many. All I did was to knit baby blankets.
FriendlyFire59 chapter 6 . 5/10/2024
And I will now go read every stories synopsis above this one looking (hoping) for more adventures of GIT!
josamen1 chapter 7 . 4/20/2024
Dawwww :-)
GBTtown chapter 7 . 4/18/2024
For a four year old "one-shot" it is a very good story.
Corwyn chapter 7 . 2/28/2024
I loved this story! Thanks for sharing it with us.
mumphie chapter 6 . 2/21/2024
Did another reread - would LOVE to have a continuation of this story!
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