Reviews for The Combat Instructor
Dante128 chapter 21 . 12/3
More chapters please
CNNR STRK chapter 10 . 10/18
I'll just say that a sicko did the calculation of the size of Remnant, and the distance between Vale and Atlas is at most 6,000km. Besides, the aeronautical engineering must be extremely underdeveloped (some aircraft are flying boxes, as if it were W40k), the dust is too convenient, so I don't think the aircraft will exceed 400km/h. Even at 200km/h, they would travel the distance in 30 hours, not 5 days.
AVL04 chapter 21 . 9/9
Please tell me this aint dropped
modeeb chapter 21 . 6/25
I’m really liking the story its uniqueness the characters and everything about the story so I hope that you continue writing the story
Scorpions1617 chapter 21 . 6/22
Nuevo cap
Baka Okami chapter 21 . 5/8
Ill be honest, i personally feel that adding Glynda to the mix would ruin it, at least in this story, to me she feels more like an older sister than a love interest. Add to the fact that Raven and Naruto are both kinda awkward around each other when it comes to showing their feelings for one another/admitting their feelings for one another, i dont see it being interesting. Also, a personal gripe of mine, i dont see why so many people hate single pairings when it comes to stories, they almost always end up adding a second or third character and i feel it ruins the sory. Again, these are just my thoughts, been waiting for a new chapter for a while, hope youre doing well and that this story isnt dead.
AdriftInLight chapter 21 . 4/14
Losing my login and getting caught up in stories on AO3 was a blessing in disguise because coming back to new chapters for this story was like Christmas all over again. You’ve got to have some of the most consistent top tier writing out there. Love this to death and can’t wait to see how the festival arc plays out. Naraven (Ravruto? Uzumanwen? Ship names are hard) for the win!
Its.Mitch.O chapter 21 . 3/31
This was a very enjoable read and such a unique story. You’ve built the characters wonderfully. You did an outstanding job. Loving the relationship Naruto has with his students.
808Joker808 chapter 21 . 3/16
I've been wanting a Naruto x Glynda pairing since chapter 1. Just cause it's not happening right now it does not mean Naruto and Glyndas relationship cant blossom into something more, especially since I have a feeling that Raven will pull what she did in cannon and someone has to be there to pick up the pieces. Also I agree that harems are tricky to write at best and at worst just bad, and there are too many of them in the crossover but none of them include Glynda. Its always summer or Raven or someone else. To this day I've yet to find a single story that was just Naruto and Glynda, which is why I had my hopes up from the earlier chapters of this story for a strict Glynda pairing and in this specific story where you set it up so that Glynda has known Naruto the longest and is arguably the closest one to him makes sense. Just my two cents but do with it what you will.
SomeDudeWithNoLife chapter 1 . 2/29
Will you update this at some point?…

You dont need to as ive seen you started a new fic… but it certainly would be nice, not tryna push you to do it though.
Just continue writing the way you enjoy it!
ObeRun chapter 1 . 1/20
Hey. it's almost a year already. How are ya man? Is this still alive?
HelloEver22 chapter 21 . 12/24/2023
Bro this needs an update please!
TypeVos chapter 21 . 12/24/2023
Naruto x Raven X Gylnda
jetjedi chapter 21 . 11/9/2023
What a fun story
bad-luck-charm27 chapter 21 . 11/7/2023
just binged this story again, just as good as i remember it. i'll be here if you ever decide to pick it back up
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