Reviews for Back to the Beginning
Citan chapter 12 . 8/29
Ok stopping for now in the middle of this chapter. Getting really bored of it. Maybe i shouldn't have read Why Not, Post-Apocalyptic then this back to back to back. It is very similar to Post just with different characters and setting. I'll try again next year or 2 years later.
Difdi chapter 22 . 8/12
Harry's CO2 removal system would probably work, but it also has the potential to destroy all life on the planet if it runs out of control, or someone misuses it. At the moment, in 2024, CO2 levels in Earth's atmosphere average about 0.04 percent. Optimal CO2 levels are somewhere between 0.03 percent and 0.04 percent. If CO2 drops below 0.02 percent, plants will die off worldwide due to insufficient CO2, and once all the plants are dead, animal life will follow due to a lack of oxygen.

There's also the fact that of the three most common greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere, CO2 is the LEAST potent. Methane is thirty times more potent than CO2 is, and ordinary water vapor - clouds in other words - is three times more potent than methane is.
Incantations7 chapter 6 . 8/11
Every time I read this part, I imagine that the stairs are made in a similar manner as in from Flight of the Navigator….
tylor13roney chapter 1 . 8/10
remus lupin is dumbledores. bitch
Difdi chapter 18 . 8/9
A few things stand out, as possible errors:

1) Lasers don't behave the way you described. The reason people wear polarized glasses in labs when working with lasers is to prevent the laser beam from deflecting off of something and hitting them in the eyes. If there is no deflection, there's no need for the glasses - laser beams are almost 100 percent invisible from the side. You can only see the beams shining through mist or smoke or dust because the particles are deflecting a small portion of the light. So Harry's darkness illusion would be completely unnecessary.

2) Boron is indeed a rare earth material, but it's NOT so rare that Harry would need to secure a sample through the Prime Minister. Boron has been in industrial use around the world for over 1000 years, and the worldwide production of the stuff is around 4 million tons per year. You can buy it from almost any chemistry lab supply store.

3) I don't know why Harry is so fixated on rubies for his laser cores, since red light is just about the weakest visible light option for lasers. Emeralds or sapphires would be VASTLY superior.
Difdi chapter 17 . 8/9
The most obvious problem of expanding one's magical aura like Harry taught Hermione to do in the last scene of this chapter is that it would likely make you a bigger target for things like the Killing Curse too - a curse that would normally miss you by a foot would instead hit your aura, and since your aura is part of you, that would likely count as hitting you with a Killing Curse.
Difdi chapter 16 . 8/9
Given what Krum said about Durmstrang, I have to wonder: Was Doctor Victor Frankenstein an alumnus of Durmstrang?
Difdi chapter 10 . 8/8
George Lucas has a terrible habit of naming props after visual effects rather than functions. Lightsabers aren't lasers and never were lasers. They emit light but were never made of light. They're plasma weapons, just like blasters are. The plasma is contained in a magnetic bottle, and the magnetic bottle is what you are parrying an opponent's lightsaber with. Lasers do exist in Star Wars, but most people use blasters instead. The Death Star's main gun is technically a really huge lightsaber, in terms of how it works.

Also, diamonds aren't indestructible. They are regularly burned to ash in house fires, and they sublimate slowly in sunlight - quite quickly in the beam of an ultraviolet laser. That sublimation is one of the ways diamonds can become loose in jewelry settings and fall out - it takes decades, but the diamond can lose enough mass from being out in the sun to no longer fit in the settings securely.
rishi547 chapter 10 . 8/2
12 plus 17*
rishi547 chapter 10 . 8/2
My g, the grooming in this is next level weird. I know Harry’s mentioned it several times how he just wants to be “friends” but reading how he’s trying to touch little girls to make them comfortable around him, a 1217 year old, is fucking weird, you’ve got good writing skills, good spelling and grammar, but re reading this, the romance bits are disturbing.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/28
That shit isn't funny or entertaining it's disgusting, pathetic and proves you need to be put on a watch list because you have some seriously disturbing mental problems.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/28
Oh look more disturbingly pathetic beta bitch potter, and it is disturbing that anyone would actually write this filth and post it
Guest chapter 19 . 7/28
Oh look Harry's still a pathetic little beta bitch oxygen wasting piece of loser trash.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/28
And why didn't he do exactly that and simply kill the piece of shit headmaster, oh yeah, it's because you a one of those shit for brains retards who gets a hard on over making Harry a pathetic beta bitch doormat loser. Story is utter fucking garbage.
Waynejackson5555 chapter 2 . 7/30
Yeah like I said you're a great writer Ignore those petty Self Righteous Pieces of shit, Only Is through the first chapter And I already love this story Is keep writing
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