Reviews for Significant Brain Damage
AiyaKnight chapter 34 . 8/16
Ya and that is your problem. your adding your own emotional baggage to anakin and padme tearing them apart. Your justifications irl shouldnt matter to cannon. By you doing this it makes padme OOC 100%. Also it just makes the story leave a bad taste in the readers mouth. If you didnt want them together you should have killed him off. 2cents.
AiyaKnight chapter 27 . 8/16
Luke NTR'd anakin first with screwing up is wifes relationship but now he outranks him to the clones. poor anakin
AiyaKnight chapter 24 . 8/16
i think time travelers arguing about who did what bad in the future ia my least like trope. who chapter with nothing but yelling. to me it doesnt make the story better
AiyaKnight chapter 18 . 8/16
this is some of your better writting. just chill on having multi characters say the same lines on opinions it feels bad and we can tell its you just trying to prove a idea or point. it takes me out of the story. like your making them break charactor just to make a point. idk. 2 cents
AiyaKnight chapter 16 . 8/16
kinda dope but cheezy
monkeywrench542 chapter 38 . 6/10
I quite enjoyed your story. Even though there's holes in the ending, it also leaves it open to br used in another story. I look forward to reading your other stories.

Guciec chapter 38 . 5/31
Too much fluff, interpersonal interactions and repeating past events in proportion to action, progression of the plot, and funny battle/force use scenes. I am sad to be honest, the story had potential.
dannymcmullon01 chapter 1 . 5/22
thank you for taking the time to put this down on paper. pls keep writting
Leaf chapter 1 . 2/20
First time here, this story looks great!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/23
Pff i read that as :Anakin gaped at her, "You're a Slut Slayer?"
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12
No paradox you say.. so luke banged his mom in the past using his dads body and became vader later? Sounds kind of like watching a train wreck, so disturbing to see yet you can't look away. Im intrigued so may read this in the future to see how you pull off the incest factor since theres no getting around that. He may have a unrelated body but that changes nothing if the mind in control is still her son. Incest is incest and anakin bangs padme to make luke and leia, logic dictates that if there is no paradox luke bangs his mom or became his own father.

Although I do have to wonder.. what's the point of making time travel stories if the character change nothing? Just seems like a boring story and a waste of time on your part in all honesty. Guess ill hab to read one to see how you make it interesting or not eh?
albeva chapter 3 . 1/14
Cool story so far!

But, please, I hope he won't be shagging his own mom!
John chapter 18 . 12/30/2023
It started very very well then it gets lost e many subplots.
CrimsonCommander688 chapter 38 . 12/9/2023
I enjoyed reading this fic from start to finish! I loved amnesia Luke he was so hilarious.
Rifful chapter 18 . 10/20/2023
Gotta say, Im not a fan of the quasi-eastern dualist interpretation of the force. It just works better when Lightgood and Darkcorruption. The other stuff is just so convoluted, and muddies the characters and plots. The original trilogy had the Lightgood philosophy, and thats why it worked so well. Once they introduced that dualism the stories had serious meta-problems, because that interpretation just doesn't work well, or resonate with audiences.

Sadly I can see the same problem developing with this story. Even though you built that issue into the plot itself, It just makes me cringe when the story veers in that direction. LightDark / balance.
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