Reviews for Significant Brain Damage
CrimsonCommander688 chapter 38 . 12/9/2023
I enjoyed reading this fic from start to finish! I loved amnesia Luke he was so hilarious.
Rifful chapter 18 . 10/20/2023
Gotta say, Im not a fan of the quasi-eastern dualist interpretation of the force. It just works better when Lightgood and Darkcorruption. The other stuff is just so convoluted, and muddies the characters and plots. The original trilogy had the Lightgood philosophy, and thats why it worked so well. Once they introduced that dualism the stories had serious meta-problems, because that interpretation just doesn't work well, or resonate with audiences.

Sadly I can see the same problem developing with this story. Even though you built that issue into the plot itself, It just makes me cringe when the story veers in that direction. LightDark / balance.
Rifful chapter 11 . 10/20/2023
Bold move. For Luke as well as the author. Leaving that is.

The only thing I dislike is the whole "I'm not Anakin, I'm Luke" reveal. Because what does that even mean? He is not wholly Luke. His body IS Anakin. And he IS the "Chosen One". If Padme was already pregnant with Luke and Leia, would THAT Luke be HIM? Nope.

And pragmatically speaking, most people won't understand or care about the difference. Identity-wise he is Anakin, too. Telling people the whole truth just mucks things up.
Rifful chapter 7 . 10/20/2023
Ah, yes, the legendary technique: Force Squick.
Rifful chapter 1 . 10/20/2023
Well, this is hilarious.
And well done. (the first chapter)
TragicFiction chapter 1 . 10/15/2023
I am looking back at my followed stories and I would very much like to see an update!
Let me know if you decide to continue or not!
DarthQueenie chapter 5 . 9/14/2023
Im always blown away how rude people can be while reviewing on this sight.
On a different note: really enjoying this so far!
YourNameIsMine chapter 1 . 8/26/2023
But I guess you can't expect good character representation from someone who licks obi-wan's feet in all his fics LOL
YourNameIsMine chapter 38 . 8/26/2023
Great detail that Padmé only went to Anakin when she was thrown away like garbage
YourNameIsMine chapter 33 . 8/26/2023
Why can't Anakin love someone other than Padmé?
YourNameIsMine chapter 35 . 8/26/2023
The worst thing is that you justify Padme's behavior but Anakin can't have anyone else? Can't Anakin have a woman other than Padme? Please
YourNameIsMine chapter 34 . 8/26/2023
How disgusting that Anakin just accepted her, after she betrayed him like that, just trashed all of Anakin's development, so what if you wanted to bother? gross
SunPho3n1x chapter 37 . 8/18/2023
This is such an amazing story! I read it before, and I loved it just as much this time. Thank you for writing this!
Cooldude101011 chapter 14 . 6/26/2023
I really like how Mace didn’t jump immediately to attacking Palpy. It must’ve felt so good to stand there and Palpy can’t do anything about it
Stormzy chapter 12 . 4/16/2023
Padme scene was a bit rushed but other than that love this chapter.
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