Reviews for Significant Brain Damage
teruin42 chapter 31 . 12/9/2020
The interactions between Leia and Luke are natural and amazing, I'd enjoy seeing these as a sketch on YouTube. "My second kiss was no less weird than the first." and "Someday you'll meet a girl who isn't secretly related to you." are classics.
StephanieStephanie chapter 31 . 12/9/2020
Yes! Leia saw her parents again!
Alianna15 chapter 31 . 12/9/2020
That was a really nice chapter, can’t wait to read more!
Rakaan chapter 31 . 12/9/2020
Fuck Alderaan, and the Organas in particular, are so wholesome I'm kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Arekanderu chapter 31 . 12/9/2020
Is is wrong that I am actually rooting for Padmé and Sabe ? Maybe they can figure out a polyamory solution
omnipotent Porunga chapter 30 . 12/7/2020
Wonderful plot! I love your rendition of Luke!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/4/2020
Luke is being completely hypocritical here. He would be able to really help if he told ben and Yoda the actual truth as he knows it. But he is keeping secrets... you know like the secrets ben kept...
UltraZordLordHarryKetcham chapter 30 . 12/3/2020
I love where this is going. And it would be amazing to see sidious of all people help them fight abeloth, only to turn on them at the very end like the viper he is. It couldnt end any other way; perhaps after that showdown, dooku and sidious kill each other, paving the way for the next generation of sith led by ventress. And the next generation of jedi as well, unhamoeres by the dogma of the old order like yoda and windu.
Citopal chapter 1 . 11/30/2020
this fic was just amazing. hope u update it soon. i read all of it in just one day.
that ur mixing in the father-daughter-son lore into the story is just perfect. i really want to see anakin luke and leia settle into the trio's roles more as they inevitably face off against the mother and her replacements. how much were the three changed by replacing the trio from mortis? want to know more!
this fic is the best star wars fic I've read so far! .
Amice chapter 30 . 11/24/2020
Wow! This has been a good read...Thank you :)

* Love how you've pulled the two 'times' together without, like you said, the quick fixes or the everyone forgives quickly plot line.
* I liked the incorporation of some of the books. That time between RotS & ANH has a lot of potential, and you're bringing them early before RotS helps set the stage.

* Language is a bit rough at and I was in the military ;)
* Not a fan of the F/F here...I'm just not sure it's going to really work, but we'll see.
Beth chapter 5 . 11/21/2020
Im re-reading this and I am kind of excited where Luke is described as scarier than Anakin. I understand it’s because it is not the dark side Obi-Wan expects, but it is still a bit chilling to think of Luke Chan along Vader-terror with none of the Dark Side.
wow chapter 13 . 11/21/2020
The scene with Yoda and Mace, just wow.
Guest chapter 30 . 11/14/2020
No paradox? I am pretty sure there is. Tho I am by no means an expert on the subject.
Chronocidal chapter 20 . 11/9/2020
A minor note: you appear to keep using 'enviable' (a quality that others wish they possessed) where you seem to mean 'inevitable' (guaranteed to happen)
Sammyboy94 chapter 30 . 11/1/2020
I just binge read this story, its truly amazing.
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