Reviews for It's never quite bright enough
Hieiko chapter 2 . 3/15/2004
That. Was. Bloody. Beautiful.
It took my breath away. Honest.
Zzickle chapter 2 . 11/2/2003
Excellent story, VERY well-written. The two parts complement each other nicely. You paint a great picture of exactly what both of them have been doing since "Chosen". Short stories with this much true content are hard to find. Thanks for sharing!
daflippnay chapter 2 . 5/28/2003
definitely can figure out. ) ahh yes! more, please!
Chaotic4Life chapter 2 . 5/26/2003
Wonderful. Really enjoy both sides. Although I usually don't read POV's - those are beautiful written.

Thanks for sharing.
Mar ala chapter 2 . 5/26/2003
What i have seen the story is good,you will have to for give me,Im new.I take it i well find the story in fan Email me,Fill me in a bit more.
Dezdemona chapter 2 . 5/26/2003
Beautifully done! The chapters work perfectly together, and I'm sure you're right that they can take it from there. Doesn't mean I wouldn't have enjoyed reading it the way you'd write it. ;)

Hope you aren't going to give up writing Spuffy because you always do such a great job with them. Never too sacharine. Thanks for this. :)
learyl chapter 2 . 5/25/2003
i loved how you made both chapters work together so well. i loved the beautiful imagery with the light. i loved the unexpected way the second chapter ended and suddenly connected with the first one. the misleading baked person in LA reference and lack of indication that buffy knew spike was alive in the first chapter as well as the seemingly resentful thoughts in both chapters truly made their getting together a pleasant surprise. great writing! :-)
Graysen chapter 2 . 5/25/2003
This is really good. I hope you write Buffy & Spike's reunion.
Graysen chapter 2 . 5/25/2003
This is really good. I hope you write Buffy & Spike's reunion.
daflippnay chapter 1 . 5/25/2003
oh man. you put things down so nicely. i'm all speechless and stuff. please, more! i've always loved reading your stories. ) especially divinity. it was all angsty, but it was worth reading.
Kimi37212 chapter 2 . 5/25/2003
This was perfect. Thank you for this beautiful ray of hope at the end of a five year tunnel.

And you're right. No sequel needed. They'll figure it out just fine.

nutnlp1 chapter 1 . 5/25/2003
Thats awesome..can't wait for Spikes lol. I also wrote a Post Chosen fic, but it's not this long after..mine takes place right after...well anyway, I liked it, check out mine if u get a chance..good job! -Rob