Reviews for Monochrome
Harrypotterpercyjacksonfan90 chapter 141 . 2/8
Very interesting few chapters please post again soon thanks!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/6
Yeah... Defiance was much better than this... You really trying to overcomplicate things just for the sake of it. Defiance and Ragnarok are your best stories, but keep trying.
RumRunner chapter 143 . 2/5
Oh boy, "animons!" Sounds just about as lame as "midi-chlorians."
random reader chapter 126 . 2/4
So Harry wants other ppl to be able to use the powers of Death and Summer? The power of Summer I can sorta kinda understand but the power of Death? No, that makes little to no sense at all. Especially being the ambition of someone who earlier was questioning the power of the Sunken Vault being in the wrong hands. Now he wants ppl to have the power of Death? Your writing a great fic, but make sure your characters stay in character.
cameron1812 chapter 144 . 2/6
grovepjp chapter 144 . 2/5
skotos07 chapter 144 . 2/5
WOWW Potter angry is not good for anyone who provoked that. Fucking awesome fanfiction!
leylin09 chapter 144 . 2/5
WOWWWWW! this is awesome. man i can't wait for next chapter
Foster-the-Wizards chapter 144 . 2/5
So damn good!
Ezylryb chapter 141 . 2/5
Great chapter
TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 144 . 2/5
Oh boy ultimatum time.
Uday Sra chapter 144 . 2/5
Finally the showdown
Runic Arithmancer Uzumaki chapter 143 . 2/5
Maverick123214685 chapter 144 . 2/5
Even with power drawn from the anima, if harry draws on the full strength of death, nothing should be able to stop him
Crismenthium chapter 142 . 2/4
About those animons,,to call them particles would imply the existence of souls as a form of matter and not some spiritual intangible thing like they are supposed to be in this story(I think). Of course this is a minor detail and the story will work just fine even if this is an inaccuracy, I didn’t even notice this until a few days after this chapter was uploaded.
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