Reviews for What the Future Holds
moscaleonard72 chapter 4 . 12h
Best Star wars fanfiction I've read very long time but you got one of the dialogues he says that let me send afterwards panicking a good friend but outside of that is beautifully done
ThunderSphinx chapter 11 . 10/1
I greatly prefer the Lucas Canon duel. Vader seemed out of control in the Reimagined duel and Obi-Wan's form is Soresu. He would never try to match Vader's offense blow to blow; he couldn't hope. I also hate the more nimbler Vader that is so prevalent nowadays.
hlebertowski1 chapter 47 . 9/16
Please finish this story. It's absolutely riveting. You've done a great job. Keep up the good work. Are we gonna see any new characters join the story? Please post again soon. Thanks
Cryotap chapter 47 . 9/10
Well at least the worst thing hasn't happened.
starkiller232 chapter 47 . 9/9
What an amazing react fic. Keep up the amazing chapters man. And take whatever time it takes for you to put out a new chapter in your own pace.
Digidestined0252 chapter 47 . 9/9
James Earl Jones has passed away today. Become one with the Force.
Blue.Stitched.Heart chapter 47 . 8/26
take your time. grieving a sudden loss is extremely hard, im still going through the loss of my father. i understand almost exactly what your going through so please take your time and focus on your self an your family. my condolences for your loss...
Guest chapter 47 . 8/25
I had no idea… I can’t understand what it’s like, or what you’re going through losing your dad, but…I’m very sorry.
stranrep chapter 47 . 8/24
Thank you for continuing this. Take your time and recover.
the metaphysical god of heroes chapter 47 . 8/24
Jabba now has a woman known for surviving the most ridiculous situations and a man that can go through jedi like a lightsaber through butter... Jabba wasn't being forced choked he was feeling death settling into a beach chair with popcorn in hand saying "I'm just gonna watch and learn" cause the war crimes bout to be visited upon this fool will be just short of being called Canadian.
Mexishark chapter 47 . 8/23
YEA BOY! Still a great update. Ill have to reread this a few time to hold me over for the next.
DaV1nc136 chapter 47 . 8/23
That’s okay.
You’re dealing with a lot at the present time.
You gave us fans enough to anticipate what might come next, and that’s good enough for now.
You just take your time, and when you’ve completed the next chapter, we’ll still be here.
See you in September!
The OC Maniac chapter 47 . 8/23
Sir. Take your time. You've had a lot of baggage. Don't pressure yourself with this story.

Speaking of the story. I still love it. I am excited for more, and I hope that you continue to give it and your other stories your best.
Tertius711 chapter 47 . 8/22
Look forward to seeing more Return of the Jedi!
Guest chapter 47 . 8/22
I'm sorry to hear that your father died. It's hard to lose someone you love, when it is a parent, a spouse or your child it is even worse. I appreciate that you wrote this chapter and I enjoyed reading it. I felt not only for what Jabba the Hut put Leia through, her family as well. It's hard to see someone you love and care about suffer. Padme and Anakin watched their daughter and Luke his twin sister suffer. They don't realize yet that Leia is blood relation to all of them. Great writing! I look forward to reading your next chapter. I will be praying for you and your family. Thank you!
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