Reviews for Eclipse |
![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you for this experience. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading. I will give proper credit in the description of your story, will also share video link under your story review for your view and we respect authors and their copyright. If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am ready to make changes according to your preferences. I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission. Thank you. |
![]() ![]() ![]() While I was reading this I kept mentally preparing the review that I would write at the end, even though I knew you probably wouldn't be reading it given that it's been 21 years. But then I read from the other reviews that you have actually passed away three years ago. I didn't know you and I've been reading this story for less than a week and I feel like I've lost a dear friend. It makes me so sad. I hope you're in a better place, somewhere in the middle of a fairy ring, a beautiful forest. You're never going to read this review but I'm going to write it anyway. This is the first harry potter fanfiction that I've read since 8 years ago. Back then I read exclusively Dramione fics, and some marauders era ones. I always liked Draco/Harry as a fun pairing that people made memes about but never really took it seriously. I always rooted for them to have a friendship though, where they put aside their differences and be on the same side, both in books and movies and in the Dramione fics. Draco has been my favourite character, not because he was pleasant or likable in the books, but because he had so much (wasted) potential for having the best character arc in the whole series. Back when I was younger and more passionate about these stuff I could write entire essays about why Draco deserved better. One of the reasons I shipped Draco with Hermione in the first place was because he always got the chance to fulfill his character arc in those, and you got to see his humanity. I was browsing my TV when I saw a channel was airing Harry Potter. I got so nostalgic for the feelings I had when reading the books and fanfictions. I opened the website and I saw that I had saved Eclipse on my to-read list god knows how long ago. I started reading and I was hooked. At first I didn't notice anything strange about the plot and the lore, but when it got to the point when the Soul's Eclipse procedure was being explained I wondered why there's no mention of the horcruxes. And then you started talking about the release of HBP and only then did I check the date of publishing. My jaw dropped when I realised I'm reading fanfiction as old as the books themselves. I suddenly felt like I'm reading some valuable ancient book. Your storyline was incredible especially given you didn't even know the events of the last two books. You wrote Dumbledore being supportive of Draco and Harry's love, not even knowing about his own history with love. All the while reading the fic I imagined Danile and Tom's faces the way they looked in HBP but you didn't even know how they would have looked like because at the time they were still so young. You wrote them having an adventure in the woods, having an infinite sized food pack, encountering weird forest creatures just like the events of the Deatly Hallows turned out to be. Your writing style was incredible too. You kept my attention through impossibility long chapters. There was so much going on in each one that it didn't feel like 20, but some 80 chapters. I actually checked and your story is about 100 thousands more words than Order of the Phoenix and that's crazy. It took me three weeks to finish Ootp but I finished this in less than one, that's how hooked I was. I'm not a serious Drarry shipper, but I loved their love story. Although I can only imagine how agonising it must've been for die-hard shippers to get through most of this story without any real romance florishing between them. But it was beautiful and balanced they way you let it cook up. Their obliviousness about the narure of their relationship was so realistic given they're two traumatised teenagers, running away from a monster, with their own messed up hormones, their long history of hated and deeming themselves straight to begin with. At first I thought you could have started the romance sooner, have them question their feelings sooner, but no, it was perfect the way you wrote it. I loved this. And I loved reviving my own passion for reading harry potter fanfic. Thank you for this. May you rest in peace. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Good afternoon, your work Eclipse is simply incredible, so I want to know if it is possible to translate your work into Ukrainian for the AO3 platform? |
![]() ![]() I mean what can I even say? This is incredible, about as good as a fic can be. Thank you so much for writing this. |
![]() ![]() Wow... literally one of the best fanfics I've ever read - its so sweet ahhhhh! |
![]() ![]() ![]() HI! So I’m pretty new to fanfic, I discovered it (literally) four days ago. Just finished reading Eclipse and I don’t even know how to begin describing how incredible this is. It felt like I was back in elementary school, reading HP for the first time and loving every second of it. Thank you for all the time and work put into this, the storyline was beautiful and the imagery of the solar eclipse scene was out of this world. I become lost and enthralled in this and can’t wait to re-read/relive the magic. A few questions? 1. The epilogue/sequel? Where is it? I understand I’m close to 2 decades late… 2. I swear I was holding my breath because I thought for sure that the potion woudn’t work cause it was revelad to us that any magical engagment with ingredients to a potion changes its properties…. well the mistletoe was cut with the same blade that Draco had cursed with magic….I thought that would surley have had some impact? *or maybe I’m just reading too much into things Can’t wait to explore more from your writing. This was emotional and moving and restores so much joy and hope to me |
![]() ![]() I am actually speechless. This is probably one of the most enthralling fanfics I've ever read. I've laughed and cried and gotten scared more times than I can count. Once I started reading, I just couldn't put my phone down. I had to finish. Thank you for the fic, thank you for your service, and I hope you live a wonderful life forevermore |
![]() ![]() Can't believe I fell in love with a story? Author I love you(r) work, thank you for writing it, it made my day. |
![]() ![]() ![]() :) |
![]() ![]() This is at least my second time reading this wonderful story. Few stories. can compare to this, including the great arts of fictional through the centuries. I hope that the last dec Ade has been kind to you, and that you continue to follow your muse. Sincerely, Frankie Katz |
![]() ![]() This was really good and amazing and I loved every minute I spent reading it. Good job! :) |
![]() ![]() Found on a list of classic Drarry fics, and this is totally one I see myself coming back to after all this time. Great work! |
![]() ![]() Thank you so much for this amazing story! Have read it in one breathe |