Reviews for Eclipse
MrsSlythindor chapter 14 . 7/18/2018
I don't know whether you're still reading new reviews but I will post this anyway.
Your story is amazing. You hooked me from the very first sentence and on the one hand I can't wait to finish it but on the other hand I know that once I'm finished reading it is over. And I don't want to rush.
Your plot is unique to all fanfics I've ever read. I love your Draco...his fears and bravery, his wish to make it all good. And Harry. The way you describe him makes everybody want to protect him. When reading fanfiction I often ask myself how much of the author's live is woven into a story. I assume a lot which is what makes it authentic, right? Whatever you are doing right now, where you are or what fate held for you, I hope you are doing well. And now I continue reading your perfect piece of a story :).
Guest chapter 20 . 7/18/2018
I know I'm reading this way late...
But you should know I loved everything about what I just read. The character development was very well thought out, the storyline felt like it should be part of the original series, and I cried while reading this. So... beautifully done.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/1/2018
I'm loving thisss just curious, why couldn't Biddy apparate them near to Hogwarts? Obviously she cannot apparate actually into Hogwarts, but maybe to the gates? Although I'm sure that would defeat the much anticipated bonding time
adir chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
wow this is really perfect you should write more fics
Opast chapter 8 . 6/24/2018
Biddy couldn't simply Apparate with Draco and Harry near Hogwarts ?

Otherwise, I love your story so far (it feels like canon to me, great job) and your writing style is gorgeous. I'm totally hooked ! Thank you so much for this brilliant fic !
iamwholockedr chapter 20 . 6/20/2018
Oh my goodness, I just had to post a review, this was amazing and so well written! Thanks!
ch1nelle chapter 20 . 6/12/2018
what an amazing story! so detailed and convincing... i felt like i was reading the original series again. we’re still appreciating your work in 2018!
Jo Macgonagall chapter 20 . 6/8/2018
Thank you for an enchanting story. Although I was yelling just kiss him you fool waaaay before they finally figured it out themselves.
Now maybe I can sleep again instead of reading
YukooD chapter 1 . 6/3/2018
I've read like a hundred times over! This is how Harry and Draco and the love between them should be like. Just AMAZING
NikkiF91 chapter 20 . 5/31/2018
Lovely, Wonderful, Brilliant
That's what this story is
Akitaa Xevoluntia chapter 20 . 5/21/2018
Hi! I know this is too late but, I just read your fiction and I REALLY LOVE IT!
This is Incredible and when Draco almost die, I'm cry this is so emotional haha
Well, Good Luck for you
Nethanxandrew chapter 20 . 5/21/2018
I commented once and this is the second time, i dont know if u will see this coz its been yrs sice u have written this however i got to say that this thing u have created right here, has comepletely and i mean completely changed my world (i know its damn cheesy) but thank you sooooo friggin much for writing something that touched home. Its embarassing to admit but this story ( i feel it deserves a much more suitable name that story) has made me cry, (has made me stop studying and im in the middle of writing my exam which will make or break me) made me laugh, made me feel soooo much.

So thank you, thankyou for writing with ur whole heart, a fic that is comepletwly mind blowing. THANK YOU.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/19/2018
This is one of the best fanfictions, i have ever read. Big time. Your writing style, the way you have not changed their personalities entirely, keeping them as the draco and harry we know is praise worthy. So is the character development. Seriously i have never read a fanfic that kept me feeling damn good
Eva chapter 20 . 5/6/2018
I literally can not describe how incredible this was! I doubt you even read these reviews anymore but I was searching for a particular drarry fic I started ages ago and never finished because it was insanely long (1 mill words) but I had been deeply absorbed in it and I wanted that feelin where you fall into a story when you get home and then suddenly the sun is rising and your heart is full, I got it from this fic. I’ll definitely be adding this to my list of favorite fics and rereading it. It’s a masterpiece and I hope you’ve continued to write and that you’re alive and well.
Eva chapter 11 . 5/4/2018
Goddamn this is a good fic
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