Reviews for Eclipse
Guest chapter 20 . 6/9/2020
I really enjoyed reading this story. It was beautifully written. Thank you!
Guest chapter 11 . 6/9/2020
Great stuff
Guest chapter 20 . 6/1/2020
this is my favourite book. It's so beautiful...words can't describe how beautiful this is.I cry for hours everytime I read this. You are so talanted. Thank you SO SO SO much for writing this. I love you and this book.
Marie Celle Bonnie chapter 20 . 5/28/2020
That was a journey with a whirlwind of emotions, I don’t know what to say, you wrote an entire book ( an incredible book at that!). Kudos, bravo and congrats times a million!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/24/2020
So this is almost 14 years later, and i’m not sure if you still read reviews, or even if you’re still logged onto this account. but thank you, for this wonderful story. truly some of the best writing i have ever had the pleasure of reading. it had me laughing, crying, nostalgic, many emotions. i only hope that this can still be acknowledged. thank you, the week it’s taken me to read this may have saved my life
117thesecond chapter 20 . 5/21/2020
awesome. thx
cody chapter 20 . 5/10/2020
i don't even know if you have seen these reviews in any reasonable amount of years to this day, but i hope maybe by some odd chance you may reminisce and stumble upon this review
firstly, i don't think i have ever read a story more captivating, that i spent three whole days doing nothing but reading. the story, the words, every line seemed to make perfect sense, and fit together only someone with incredible talent could conduct.
secondly, i have never cried over a book, movie etc in my entire existence, so for that to be a first, i didn't entirely know how to react? i remember just feeling tears on my chest - but that's besides the point. the emotion i felt at the end of the story, in the last few lines of what harry had written on the parchment, i couldn't describe, even if i tried. call me a sappy romantic, but i thought i was actually dying, the speed of my heart was so unnatural.
i just hope that when you read this - if you read this - you are well and happy, you beyond deserve it.
i'm utterly convinced this is the actual plot of the story now, nothing can change my mind.
so i want to thank you, Mijan, for creating something that struck something i didn't know i had inside. 3
Guest chapter 20 . 5/10/2020
Dumbles be shipping drarry
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 20 . 5/10/2020
I'm not sure you'll ever read my reviews, as this story was written when I was 4 years old, and I'm now 21 and discovering the wonders in life. This story was worth all the late nights. It was worth the stress of juggling it and my assignments and family obligations when all I wanted to do was play on DAHP (a minecraft server that recreated Hogwarts and is the perfect place for getting story ideas) and read fanfiction.

I read your ANs, and I read your plights. I know what's happening in the world right now and I hope that you're okay, wherever you are. It's beautiful how such a story lived on and survived the test of time and the changing of canon and audience. I'm going to read your other works, now. You've helped me fall in love with a fandom I'd grown up reading and watching all over again, and for that I thank you.

Also, in case you were wondering, for all the lovey-dovey innocent scenes I had Avatar - Main Theme (Piano Version) by Patrik Pietschmann playing in the background, and for all the adventuring scenes I had The Chronicles of Narnia - Main Theme (Piano Version) (also by Patrik Pieschmann), and for all the creepy scenes (voldemort, the realm in-between, that stuff) I had Light of the Seven - Game of Thrones (Piano Version), and for the sappy one-sided monologues I had Across the Stars (From "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones") (Piano Version), and for all action-y scenes, I had Transformers - Arrival To Earth (Piano Version). I just wanted to share the playlist I used when reading because omg I thought they really went well with your work and I love pairing mediums together.

Once again, thank you so much. Even if you never end up reading this, I really hope another person stumbles upon your work and thinks "wow I like this person" and follows your works to the ends of the Earth. Stay beautiful.
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 18 . 5/10/2020
I forgot to say anything about this before, but remember when Harry and Draco were dancing and acting like fools? Wormtail had a frontrow seat to his favourite pairing and was the reader!insert we all needed in our lives. Thank you so much for all of this. It's brilliant.
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 17 . 5/10/2020
I was listening to Persona 3 OST kimi no kioku when reading this chapter, without realising that they share the same ending. I'm crying. Oh my gosh.
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 16 . 5/9/2020
OMG LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO Wormtail lives to convince Draco out of his closet. This was perfect.

AAAAAAAA one ingredient leeeeeeeft. This is so intense.
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 15 . 5/9/2020
"this is like a mouse stepping in front of a snake, hoping someone might come rescue them..."

I see you're drawing parallels to our late Peter Pettigrew, there. Nice.
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 14 . 5/9/2020
RIP Peter Pettigrew. He probably would've come in handy when Draco was looking for potions ingredients.
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 9 . 5/7/2020
I love how you've been talking about Old Magic in this fic. The way you've tackled it is just beautiful.
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