Reviews for Eclipse
Summer chapter 1 . 2/13/2020
Oh my gosh! The best fanfiction starting I've ever heard!
EveBB chapter 20 . 1/29/2020
I can't believe this fic is over. For days, it swept me up into a Harry Potter world that seemed as real as canon. Thank you for writing this wonderful story. You are truly a talented writer. I particularly loved your exploration of a character's internal motivations. You created characters of tremendous depth. Well done!
Guest chapter 20 . 1/20/2020
This is one hell of a mesmerizing story. All the words in the world don't even come close to describing how much of a fucking beautiful journey this has been! I feel like i will never look at the full moon and NOT think about harry and draco in the fairy ring. What the fucking hell. I hope you see this review and know that about 15 years later your story made a huge impact und will forever be in my heart! Thank you so much for this.
Guest chapter 9 . 12/31/2019
You're so so so good at writing and literature itself basically. I really do love and admire your work,please do keep it on cause honestly Im so addicted! PS please just ignore the hate or treating comment just think of them as fat pigs sitting behind a computer or a phone who doesn't have a life hehe.
Avese23 chapter 20 . 12/30/2019
I’m actually sobbing and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m sad the fic is over or because Draco and Harry are so dang precious.
Avese23 chapter 16 . 12/29/2019
Oo I love the Wormtail twist. It’s ironic in a sick way though, that Lily and James were betrayed over jealousy of the people that loved them. Also so glad someone’s finally pointed out Draco’s feelings for Harry, even if it is Pettigrew.
Alannah chapter 10 . 12/25/2019
HEY MIJAN!(or whatever you want to be called)
This chapter was awesome Andre I hope you create more!
Chickiri chapter 20 . 12/23/2019
Hi, just figured I'd leave a review because... well, "just" because I enjoyed the fic. Which means that I loved it, actually! Please forgive me for any barbarism, English is not my mother tong and I could easily being using it wrongly just this instant and not notice (argh).

Anyway, I meant to tell you that I'm really glad I read this story and that I truly enjoyed it. I almost thought you'd kill Draco in the last chapters (there were not that much chapters left and I still thought you had added an epilogue... I was so scared of the "ten years later" thing!) but thankfully that did not happen. I love the way you described the characters and Harry and Draco's relationship, the way it unfolds and the way their feelings grow strong, love the fact that they doo not notice it that much and the fact that you gave them a morning of normal every-day love-story stress (does he love me back? Was it all a joke/dream/thing of a night and nothing more? THAT crappy part of normal relationships).
I went to your account and was a bit sad to learn that you do no longer write Harry Potter fan fictions, because it means that this fic will never get a sequel and I find that it has a kind of... unfinished ending? I would not know how to put it int words but it seems to call for another chapter. To be honest, and this does not mean that I loved the story any less (it is GREAT. Just great, I truly loved it and will definitely recommend it to anyone asking), I was a bit... disappointed by the last chapters? I'm not a fan of the life-or-death situations, I do not despise them but they are not my favorite part of the story (of any story, really) and I was a tad bit sad not to read more about Harry and Draco for themselves.

Argh. Here I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this story and how great it is and how it's definitely is one of my favorites (it truly IS), but I could not help telling you I missed the non-existing sequel. And I was afraid that you'd take it as too harsh a critic, so I tried to explain it, and now the paragraph explaining this all is longer than the part in which I tell you that your story is great, and I feel bad.
They are so many things that I liked in Eclipse while reading it! The way Draco speaks of the fairy ring, the way they resist Voldemort, the fact that you didn't let things go that easily (I really was surprised and afraid and living the story when Draco sacrificed himself, I was SO glad not to have to wait for the next chapter because it was already posted), the description of Harry carrying Draco, the depictions of the woods and of wildlife, the beginning of Harry and Draco's relationship and their time in the dungeons... Yeah, I really enjoyed this fic. So much that this is no longer a review I'm writing, it's a novel... I'll stop there '

Good luck with your other fics and your published work! And thank you for your story, I truly had a good time reading it
Guest chapter 9 . 12/20/2019
Guest chapter 20 . 11/29/2019
so great
Le Puppi chapter 20 . 11/28/2019
Guest chapter 14 . 11/27/2019
really great, couldn''t stop reading
rgjflood chapter 20 . 10/22/2019
Guest chapter 20 . 10/7/2019
Hey, you don't know me, and I doubt you'll ever see this. But it's been, what, thirteen years since you finished the Eclipse story? The Drarry one? Well, all I wanted to say, was thank you for finishing it. It was incredible. It made me laugh, facepalm, and even shed a tear or two. Almost. I hope, wherever you are in this world, that you're leading the good life.

In case you do see this, I'm Queen. I don't have an account here, so that's why this is anonymous.

The point is, you're brilliant. That story was brilliant. It was incredible, and I hope you know that.

Catch you later, maybe.

Guest chapter 20 . 9/27/2019
Its very well written and i totally appreciate the story and plot, it was a nice reading
Thank you
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