Reviews for Hardcore Grinding
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2/2024
Hope you continue this it's a great story.
Pushi19 chapter 13 . 10/5/2023
read the the gamer in webtoon app or website it really good color manhua
Dregus chapter 7 . 4/22/2023
of all thigs, seeing a National Homeless Association for a gag wasnt something i was expecting lol
faz551 chapter 1 . 11/13/2022
This is not a fanfic, it's a condensate of every trash idea an author can think, I'm amazed as the utter lack of taste of this author...
Guest chapter 4 . 7/18/2022
Ah. Well... no thanks? I'll pass on this whole genderbending whenever the author feels so inclined schtick. Katsuki was already kinda pushing my limit. It's good for a story written for the author themselves, but for others to read and enjoy it would depend heavily on their own tastes. Genderbending isn't to my taste. Good fic otherwise, Izu's sparky personality seemed very close to a SI so far but fairly relatable to me. Laterz.
Onion-00 chapter 1 . 6/17/2022
bakugo admitted to crushing on him for years. which means that before genderbend, bakugou was gay.
and does no one find that izuku getting romantically involved with someone who was a boy for 15 years freaky and still kinda gay?
Triolan chapter 13 . 5/1/2022
It sucks that you’re leaving this story but it’s entirely understandable. It’s better for your creative process to have a planned and streamlined fic rather than go all GRR Martin and have a story so bloated that you just can’t write anything. I would request an epilogue chapter but this story is not far enough along. Still, it was a fun read.
Turtle dude32 chapter 2 . 2/1/2022
I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, Katsuki is now a girl. On the other, he has been a guy tell about a few days ago, so your saying (male) katsuki had a crush on izuku. I don't know wither to mark this as gay or not?
Guest chapter 1 . 1/1/2022
Fics like that never cease to amaze me, why did you think it was a good idea?
What's the point of giving an already op mc MORE power? It was done dozens of time and never ended well, may I hazard a guess and your next fic will be gamer Issei and after that gamer Naruto?
Cause none of these characters have enough power as is...

The system is obviously pretty half assed but at least some original thought was put into it which is nice.
Guest chapter 7 . 11/17/2021
Your pilot has me interested
Deltawolf2038 chapter 1 . 11/16/2021
This was great, the humor went along well with my tastes. And you didn't spend ungodly amounts of word, to tell us his stats, it's nice, short, and simple. Which is great because that means I get to read more than a glorified stat manuel.
Han-Daewi chapter 8 . 11/17/2021
Hanryang kinda reminds me of the hobo from GoH xD
dartan2001 chapter 1 . 11/17/2021
Well, you held me half the chapter, but you had to mess things up with a harem. Now I'm almost 100% sure that you won't finish this shit, not even 1 chapter has passed and you have already spoiled the story, well, I can only clap your stupidity.
Han-Daewi chapter 5 . 11/17/2021
Heh not Deadpool
Han-Daewi chapter 4 . 11/17/2021
I like Tsuyu
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