Reviews for The Last Story: Breath of the Wild
Accordewe chapter 29 . 8/16/2021
That was truly amazing
Accordewe chapter 26 . 7/23/2021
Wawww D
Accordewe chapter 24 . 7/9/2021
There's so much suspense I love it :D
Accordewe chapter 23 . 7/2/2021
I love this so much, even tough I don't comment on every episode I'm so happy when I see the mail :D
TheNightsWithSalem chapter 21 . 6/18/2021
This is something that has always puzzled me. Why didn't Asthar tell Zael that it was Dagran who had attacked him? He had more than enough time to say a name, but instead, he just said a cryptic "don't trust him". Or am I remembering it wrong?
Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't comment earlier, but I like this story, and I'm glad someone is still writing about it in this game.
Accordewe chapter 20 . 6/11/2021
YAY MY BOY ! (Jirall is honestly my favorite character, even if he's... well, not very nice)
Accordewe chapter 2 . 4/24/2021
I really love this story and I'm so happy that the Last Story's fandom is still alive and a such amazing writer is part of it
Keep up, you're doing great :D
(Sorry if my english is bad, it's not my first langage)
Songbird Rebel chapter 9 . 4/1/2021
An interesting concept and a really good story that have you instantly hooked the moment you read the first chapter. Consider myself following, and I can’t wait for the next chapter.
Defender31415 chapter 1 . 7/18/2020
Now this is an interesting concept. I’m surprised by how well the combination you have going here works. Looking forward to more!