Reviews for Welcome To Earth
Terry LeClair chapter 11 . 5/7/2021
great chapter
chronodaimon chapter 11 . 5/7/2021
great fic. how often do you unpdate. hope to see more soon
Whistlemeapoem chapter 11 . 5/6/2021
This is GREAAT!
Don't give a damn about all the hate to this story!
I tell you, this is awesome.
Can't to wait to read what happens next!
ASDFLOOPERS chapter 11 . 5/5/2021
this is GOLD! keep writing please
jules367 chapter 11 . 5/5/2021
Yay! So happy to get another chapter! I'm glad you didn't drag out the wait for the reveal. Can't wait to see where this story goes next!
Love love this chapter 1 . 5/5/2021
I really liked this last chapter, now i'm in such a hurry for you to post the rest !
You are very talented !
PS : Sorry for the orthograph i'm french ans i use the Google traduction
loubega chapter 11 . 5/5/2021
Hi I loved this chapter and I fully understand Peter and Stark it's only been 3 weeks. For Harry "Constant Vigilance" he knows then he forgives but does not forget
Guest chapter 10 . 5/3/2021
I gotta say I’ve liked this story so far. But this latest chapter was pretty stilted in terms of consistent characters. Why would harry ever feel so calm at the complete breaking of trust here? Saying he didnt really want to go to far kinda falls flat when he tried breaking into his apartment as if that isnt a huge deal. I really hope you have a better plan next chapter about dealing with the fallout cause this one felt really weird and forceful.
peruvianprincess chapter 11 . 5/3/2021
Good story, and I really appreciate your ability to write well. Thanks for continuing to write. I'd like to see where this story goes.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/3/2021
Honestly not sure how to feel about this one. I feel like maybe you should have held off on the direct confrontation about the superpowers between the characters for a bit, considering you set up that Tony had a plan to confront Harry and now we’re not gonna see that. I honestly expected that given how you ended the last chapter, that when Tony and Peter would leave to try to interrogate Harry, Harry would happen to be heading to snoop around the avengers compound or something as they set their plan in motion, so the two wouldn’t find him while Harry got more info on what they were doing, especially regarding himself, so the tension would remain. It seems like you kind of threw away your setup there, but maybe that’s just me. I certainly didn’t expect the confrontation to happen this soon.

Maybe that’s just my idea on what direction I would have taken, though, and aside from that, everything about this chapter, save Tony generally getting away with a lot of hypocrisy, seems to work here. Both parties have done some fragrantly illegal things to investigate each other, though in this case, Peter is largely a bystander in comparison to Tony’s terrible decision making, and Harry really only acted this once. As for Harry, I’m honestly not certain how pissed off he should be and how much of it he’d show. I get the viewpoint that he shouldn’t take this in too easily, but I think he’s just holding back a lot of anger given Peter’s in the room right now. Hopefully they’ll have some time to reconcile after this.
Keeters chapter 11 . 5/3/2021
Bwhahaha I love it. Can’t wait for what’s next.. are we getting some dr strange action?
Sw-0608 chapter 11 . 5/3/2021
Good chapter. I'm glad you didn't have anyone go ballistic or angsty here. We don't need the immaturity, lol. I'm glad they handled themselves well. Harry's upset, (I would be too) but he gets it. He knows what it's like to be suspicious of innocent/semi-innocent suspects, after all. Peter trusts Stark, obviously, and he did only know Harry for two or three weeks, and Tony is really protective of Peter AND he's an Avenger, so double reason to be cautious. I thought you did a good job here having them be honest, but mature. Things are not 100% fine, of course, but this will only help Peter and Harry become better friends, in my opinion.
Tempest S chapter 11 . 5/3/2021
Probably not the best time, Peter, to ask Harry to "tell him just a little bit. To get him off your back." Yes, let Tony grill him trying to figure out how his magic works while Harry is already agitated and angry.
Ensent chapter 11 . 5/3/2021
You took Tony and Peters actions way too far to the point where its impossible to read any kind of reconciliation between them without being pissed off. I really think you should either revisit earlier chapters and change the extreme invasion of privacy, or change the direction of the story and change the final pairing because at this point its going to feel like Harry is just an abused partner who will take any abuse and never say or do anything to defend themselves. Obviously I don't think that will actually happen but I'm certainly seeing the behavior of someone in that situation here.
IceQueen56 chapter 11 . 5/3/2021
Por favor continue
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