Reviews for Hermione Granger or Lyra Grindelwald
TrueAlpha11 chapter 19 . 11/1
can't wait for the next chapter
Chalky130 chapter 19 . 2/13
This is really good please tell me more is coming soon?
Wolfbabe1700 chapter 19 . 11/28/2023
will you be writing more?
ShadowCub chapter 19 . 12/31/2022
Read this all in one go, liked it, but Harry suddenly deciding he was wrong and her going along with it was ridiculous. Harry knew he was wrong he didn't care.

I never understand why some writers do this. Great story tho.
Puppyluv09 chapter 19 . 10/4/2022
please update soon!
mystery of the NC chapter 8 . 8/7/2022
please of update More Time.
jackyfloresq2001 chapter 19 . 8/7/2022
can't wait for the next chapter
giraffelover123 chapter 15 . 6/7/2022
who is Hermione gonna end up with?
dramione4ever chapter 6 . 5/21/2022
so she has one green eye and one silver eye?
no offense but that gives me the creeps
klaudia 2002 chapter 19 . 4/30/2022
When next chapter?
KEZZ 1 chapter 19 . 4/30/2022
Wonderful story so far Thankyou
I am looking forward to reading more soon please
decadenceofmysoul chapter 19 . 4/29/2022
Awesome update!
SereniteRose chapter 19 . 4/28/2022
loved all 19 chapters, thanks ever so much, love Hermione so much she is so awesome.
Harry2 chapter 19 . 4/28/2022
Bella may be crazy, but she knows that Lyra will need time to adjust. BUT, Bella might be somwone Hermione can talk to about her family powers
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