Reviews for Thwarting and Charming Godfathers, Malfoy Style
vile pairings chapter 1 . 10/30/2023
no-one missed you
best just leave off posting

unless it involves llamas ... and Malfoy is subject to llamacide ... then go ahead

your drarry garbage crapfests are unwanted vand unnecessary here
rosemary62442 chapter 1 . 10/3/2021
Facinating story, though I thought Sirius is 37
A chapter 1 . 3/10/2021
I'm reading your whole series and it's absolutely BRILLIANT! Thank you so much for sharing it, it really made my day. I laughed so hard that my dog got genuinely concerned :D
InnocentIthinknot chapter 1 . 1/19/2021
This is fucking awesome.
lttlelola chapter 1 . 9/3/2020
I neeeeeeeeeeed more please
Danielle.vball chapter 1 . 7/12/2020
very very very good
nikuds chapter 1 . 6/21/2020
Salut D!
OMG 25,203 words! I did't expect it. This is equal to a short story, or even a book.
"Where was the composed, sauve, dashing young pureblood he used to be? " - That's something that every teen age guy has said when they are scared for some reason or the other with the exception of the word pureblood. This line so makes me laugh, I can truly imagine Draco saying this.
Another one that makes me laugh "Draco used to be a rock. Chiselled. Unmoveable. The Ice Prince of Slytherin. " Wooooo!
"A complete and utter marshmallow" - Draco can wear a costume of a marshmallow, a fluffy and wiggly marshmallows, for the next Halloween party that Harry and him attend together.
"(need I explain this further, Draco)" - Wow the burn! One the most hilarious scenes that makes me laugh all the time. These three rules, always funny.
"Harry dangling the promise of embraces and kisses for every time he was nice to his best friend." - Aww, a kind of an emotional blackmail.
Hmm "a confident pureblood harboring a relatively minor crush to a floundering, lovesick fool." - Draco ! Draco! Draco!
Hey Draco if not for Wealsey you would not be happy today. DON'T CURSE THE WEASLEY!
"for a proper pureblood in courtship-semi-formal, reserved, powerful. "
"his Harry, the quirky, wild one he was so fond of."- Aw. That is so sweet.
"Harry's tiny chicken-scratch lettering filling the parchment" - The description of Harry's writing (LOL)
"curled half over his lap like a cat"- I can surely imagine the scene. It must have been a sight to remember.
"Harry's little Gryffindor friend" - Why is Colin Little?
"homicidal inclinations"- LOL
"muted hyperventilation and restrained clam"
Drace trying mediation, I would love to see him chanting stuff.
Oooo "Black oozed power and class"
"Pop 'n Whoosh room" - An appropriate term for the extravagant Travel Room. To date, I have been using childhood names for certain terms.
"secret to die a natural death"
"Best damn nuisance" - Lol
"He could admit that Lucius Malfoy had every social construct in existence down to a science, he'd be a fool not to take advantage of his father's texted theories." - I wish I had these tested theories. Life would be so much more easier.
"Draco felt like an overdressed prey" - Overdressed prey, ha!
"pureblood instincts kicked it." - pureblood instincts!
"He was the entertainment" - Draco is a rock. Chiselled. Unmoveable. The Ice Prince of Slytherin.
What are you saying, Draco was the entertainment. You must have been mistaken! Impossible!
"It wasn't proper at all to tour through a man's home on the first visit" - Pureblood manners a very different from muggle manners. For muggles, touring a man's home is a must else it would seem disrespectful. When we first shifted to this current residence every person who visited our house for the first time was given a tour all over the house. While some would come to just look at our house. And it happens with or without permission.
"Greet a noble heir with pictures of screaming men plastered to their chests." - That's so funny screaming men plastered to their chests!
"He was quite sure that, even as a proud Slytherin, he had never considered using the colour green to this extent." - The red seems too much.
"Slytherin games" - Hmm.
"wouldn't defy pureblood etiquette to this extent" - Oh Draco! This is dear Sirius, when did he begin to think of what his godson's boyfriend pureblood etiquette.
"The rule was in place to give young purebloods like him an easy way out." - Hmm Draco.
"But he was smashing at the 'teaching your son every little part of being the perfect pureblood so that he doesn't get shown up by his future boyfriend's godfather' part." - Browie points for Lucius Malfoy.
"old dog" - Why is Siriuis the old dog, it should be Lupin who is the dog because he is part werewolf.
"Smart-arsed little brat!"- A compliment and an insult in the same sentence.
"The man must have a bloody good memory" - Draco you are wrong here, you have a bad memory.
Remus has a moderately good memory.
Shepherd's pie, roast chicken - Tasty (Got me thinking about the honey chicken recipe which is opened in my browser, I have not had a look at it yet.)
The way you described the food was fabulous- I wished I was in Draco's place eating all of this.
This is scene is so emotional. I loved the way you depicted Sirius, Lupin and Draco's love and care for Harry.
"fresh-faced Hufflepuff"- Is it that bad?
OMG, Whatever I have read till here is loved by me. Fantastic job D!
"conveniently leaving out, the part where his parents had politely rejected him." - Draco being Draco.
"Auror Black was stretching in his chair, patting his stomach" - Reminds me of one of the old uncles with pot bellies. But my brother does do this when he is too full so I guess this a natural reaction to overeating.
"Someone would have to roll him over to get him out of the kitchen."- serves you right Draco, who told you eat so much. Ah! how can I forget you are a marshmallow all because of Harry;s love.
"It wasn't polite to count how many Yorkshire puddings one ate, but the man put a way a lot of them." - At least Draco did not say that out. I do recall a incident that had taken place in my own house. Where a guess had reprimanded me for eating too much in my own house and me being me I reprimanded the guest in return. Come on who reprimands a 14 year old adolescent girl for eating too much.
"Remus Lupin was very likeable"- Who does not like Remus? He is my desktop background.
"Moony darling" - Let's all moooo for moony.
"Harry was practically giving him his best bedroom eyes" - Wow there are specific eyes for the bedroom also. Interesting.
Things are getting spicy now. Sirius and Draco's word play.
"5 emergency Marauder meetings" - Lol
Truly unconventional way of naming a godfather.
I loved the way the speech turned out.
"there goes our bonding experience" - Seriously, who does bond over sex talk. The answer is Sirius?
"I like your godfather. Good man" -HAHAHA!
The way you described Severus' expression when asked a bout the Marauders is hilarious and perfect.
Wow! Sirius complemented Snape.
Malfoys never howl!
Draco crumbling like pecan pie!
Back to the same old stuff, everything is always Weasley's fault.
Domestic incompetence!
Fabric durability - Seriously?
"I wouldn't do that"- Aha that's worng - You did it Sirius.
Perfectly tailored poker face - Ha!
Sirius and Remus ha, the interaction.
I' a Malfoy. Malfoys don't do happy dance. HA!
And they lived HEA!
Over all it is fantastic job D.