Reviews for A God's Ascension In Remnant
Crywolf178 chapter 26 . 8/18
Shame to see this abandoned, it was really cool seeing such a strange and fun crossover plus a literal god in RWBY/Borderlands
Crywolf178 chapter 1 . 8/18
Just found this old story I had forgotten about and started rereading it.

Saw that comment at the end of the most recent chapter about hoping to have another chapter out soon but not being hopeful.

Get the feeling that won’t happen but still I do enjoy just about every story you release. You seem to noticeably improve with each new story so I will always enjoy reading your stories. chapter 17 . 7/26
Alright. This was good until the fucking random ass harem. Bye chapter 15 . 7/26
Holy this is such a crackpot fic yo. Love it
KayBiJay chapter 15 . 7/14
Too much crack for me but i really liked the idea
SeraphZeroZX chapter 26 . 6/5
you i binged this today and it was pretty good. i can see the lack of motivation in some pqrts but it is really good. i kinda wish we went more in on why raven left this time but eh
drwx chapter 5 . 5/23
Not Team SQAR(let)? Seemed obvious
Jamerz06 chapter 26 . 5/15
Can’t wait to see the next chapter
Aetherium21 chapter 26 . 4/13
Ignore the haters. Good story
bryanc2023 chapter 26 . 3/25
if ruby covers 3 miles n forty econds does tham mean shes running 270 miles an hour
Jamerz06 chapter 25 . 2/13
Can't wait to see the next chapter
Tomatopaste710 chapter 18 . 2/5
Just so author has a new idea even though this is probably a dropped story you should have him take everyone to stargate universe and create a empire use the alteran repository of knowledge and build the remnant alteran empire with mc as the emperor and the people he trust as a council
TheRoyalDragoon chapter 26 . 12/28/2023
Well this as a fun jaunt
No one of Import chapter 26 . 11/26/2023
The point?

Is You have Fun doing it. If not. Don't.

Still I've gotten some good laughs out of this. Thanks for the Smiles.
CrimsonCaliber chapter 26 . 11/18/2023
Hey bro, thank you for this amazing banger of a fic. Your grammar is good, your formatting is great, and you do an excellent job of keeping the tone light-hearted while still allowing the world to grow and develop as time passes in-universe. The borderlands references are hilariously placed, and Jacques’ descent into madness and villainy is definitely fun to watch. Even if you never post another chapter, I still want to thank you for this great story!
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