Reviews for After Nightfall
EsmeraldaE chapter 32 . 12/29/2024
i have absolutely loved this fic. Please please do a sequel, this was an awesome story, and you write wonderfully.
ChrisDGoosey chapter 3 . 4/22/2024
Oh my! That was quite a change scene. I’ve read loads but you have managed to make it new. I’m liking this new insight into Edward, too. Great stuff
ChrisDGoosey chapter 2 . 4/22/2024
Best build up EVER!
Guest chapter 30 . 2/22/2024
This is so beautiful and tender ️
Guest chapter 27 . 2/22/2024
What a fucking ride omg
Guest chapter 24 . 2/22/2024
I just love this so so much
Guest chapter 17 . 2/22/2024
Poor Nell, I hope her dad got screwed before he died
Guest chapter 16 . 2/22/2024
Omg omg I love this
Guest chapter 8 . 2/22/2024
Omg I did not see that coming
SlytherinPorcupine chapter 16 . 10/9/2023
Ahhh i’m sorry. I’m a Filipino and the name you used for the Philippine airport is a very infamous name (historically speaking). I don’t know if you’re still reading reviews and if this will make a difference. But i’m just letting you know that I love reading your stories and this part right here hust threw me off a little bit.
SydneyAdams3 chapter 2 . 10/1/2023
when I think of them waiting till the wedding night to have sex, I laugh a little thinking, what if he had a micro penis?
Guest chapter 31 . 3/29/2023
This is one of my favourite books ever. Literally amazing 10/10 story here.

I can't believe I got to read this for free.
IShipBothOfUs chapter 32 . 11/23/2022
listen...if you ever continue this story...I will be so happy! I loved it! Nellie was a 10/10 great addition and I loved the story!
Ticcing Bat chapter 5 . 8/29/2022
I live near Cardiff. what are they going to hunt? chavs?
beyond.the.staras chapter 32 . 7/22/2022
The implosion of the Volturi would be interesting to read, I hope you decide to do a sequel!
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