Reviews for Hardlight
GideonBlackthorn chapter 23 . 1/30
had to re read this fic always a good one
XerxesZ chapter 23 . 12/21/2024
I like this story, and I keep imagining what would happen If Taylor watched Bleach and saw Byakuyas Bankai.
TrekkieNerdJoshua chapter 14 . 9/30/2024
Ok, both what Rune said and how Kaiser corrected her are wrong. The correction at least should be "empathize". It's not a commonly used word so I can see where it would get missed. I'm not sure if you'd want to changer the wrong word used by Rune to be closer to that or leave it the same.
With that said, I have greatly enjoyed the story thus far and am looking forward to see how it all works out.
MattBlack chapter 6 . 9/8/2024
Taylor is a retard... She HEARD Purity explain why she can't attack E88, it would put Danny and Taylor at risk... I guess Taylor rides the short yellow bus to school?
Homo ordinarius chapter 18 . 3/8/2024
Okay, if Hardlight minions work like "I think it can do it, and it WILL do it"... Can she create cape projection with their powers?
veritas31 chapter 23 . 2/12/2024
please please please update soon
maskedkeeper chapter 12 . 12/19/2023
Damn, sexual assault.
Those eyes Mastered her apparently
jnautking chapter 23 . 11/17/2023
This really needs to continue or finish properly
Corwyn chapter 23 . 11/13/2023
I'm loving this story so far and hoping it can continue. Thank you for sharing it with us.
GideonBlackthorn chapter 14 . 11/9/2023
i hate to be that guy but the word is empathize,
Kortir chapter 23 . 9/13/2023
This was super nice and cute as these stories go. Rare to see Rune get any love, much less Taylor's love, and I'm happy seeing them together like that. Really good story too, just enough changes to make it entirely believable and flow exceptionally well. You left off at a comfortable point but if there's ever any more I'll be happy to come back to it! Also just more cuteness and kisses with the happy couple. Super sweet. thanks for writing!
Difdi chapter 22 . 6/30/2023
Rachel Lindt is classified as a canine-exclusive Master in PRT files, but she isn't anything of the sort - She's a Striker with Changer, Mover and Brute sub-ratings. Her Changer power only works on dogs. If her training dogs to obey her made her a Master, it would make every PRT officer, every military officer, etc, a Master as well.
Difdi chapter 7 . 6/29/2023
Taylor is seriously screwed up in the head, if she can't imagine why a mother would shoot a man for pointing a gun at her daughter, or that she thinks not shooting the man would be "doing better"!
Difdi chapter 5 . 6/29/2023
Ironically, Hannah is more of a bigot here than Kayden or Taylor - she's literally so blinded by her hatred that she cannot see anything but that hatred. And in that hatred she's acting far more like a Nazi than Kayden or Taylor are.

Hannah has come full circle on this - she has become just like the men who caused her to trigger by sending the children of people they hated into minefields to sweep mines by getting blown up, simply because she hates what she thinks a child is like, without once even looking to see if that child actually is what her bigotry insists upon.
Difdi chapter 2 . 6/29/2023
Sophia is certainly a Ward, but she is definitely NOT a Hero. Sophia has hit upon one of the rarer arrangements of Secret and Public IDs - where most capes maintain a Hero or Villain ID and a civilian ID, Sophia is maintaining a Villain ID and a Hero ID and a civilian ID at the same time. She attacked Taylor in her Villain ID - that of a school gang leader - and Taylor arranged for that gang leader to suffer a misfortune. That's not attacking a Hero any more than getting into a cape brawl in costume with another costumed cape is attacking their civilian ID.
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