Reviews for Deeds, not Words (SI)
ChaosSyndrome chapter 29 . 1/10
Damn just binged this in one night. Now I want whiskey.
Shausen117 chapter 29 . 12/29/2024
Great story, cheers.
IamGai chapter 29 . 12/27/2024
When new update?
SixFtWookie chapter 28 . 12/17/2024
I thought the Shivers took Edwell, why's he back?
mattias.akerlund.71 chapter 24 . 12/12/2024
I call hax lol... Considering the speed they marched with, siege equipment would not have managed to keep pace... It is usually built on the spot, and takes more than a mere couple of hours to build lol...
mattias.akerlund.71 chapter 22 . 12/12/2024
Borys lol, yet another Baratheon usurper...
Jerry chapter 24 . 11/23/2024
What, Borys somehow find the time to build rams and drag it to Eastwood despite on tight timetable and breach a castle gate in a few hours?

This MC is so pants-on-head stupid I almost wish he lose. Losing a castle in a night? Lmao. That should make it into his epithet. "One night Aelon" lol.
Ndresh chapter 4 . 11/21/2024
Harrys potters son james potter live what you did here. So far good story
Guest chapter 29 . 11/4/2024
One of the most well written stories out of any fandom on this site. Praying i see an update at some point.
SoapyStrings chapter 17 . 10/6/2024
Lovely read til now
Usu chapter 3 . 10/3/2024
Going into detail is dangerous when you get details wrong, and there are many things wrong here. Westerosi tariffs vs taxes, the idea that 'smallfolk are taxed into oblivion' but there is no census or record of who or how many live where is obviously impossible. The idea that 'nobles act with impunity' when a noble can be stabbed just as easily as any other man, easier even.
The idea that smallfolk just starve all year every year, when even modern farming methods leave tons of grain to rot in the field. In temperate climes ppl starve in cities and when gvt actively takes their food away, otherwise it's basically impossible.
'We don't use the animal fat for anything, milord' yeah, no, it's food. You want ppl to be starving, but not eat food?
And let me guess, they also starve but don't boil in the bones?
In the end it's all nonsense and so many bad factoids it's not readable, thx for effort tho.
Guest chapter 29 . 9/18/2024
Very well written, cohesively thought out, and a pleasure to read.
Callum Runchman chapter 29 . 9/8/2024
Really wish this story was continued further. The friendly rivalry born at the end of this chapter was brilliant and I was really looking forward to seeing the rest of the events in kingslandimg unfold. Playing such an integral role in the road construction and having the next big alcoholic drink that's about to spread far and wide. This was setting up to be so much more that it currently is.
Mari Wollsch chapter 29 . 9/8/2024
Super great story, please update/continua this soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
gryphan.master900 chapter 14 . 8/23/2024
He definitely does not need to invent condoms, no one wants to use tanned sheep intestine with draw strings at one end that you RE-USE after washing and drying it.
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