Reviews for Ascendance of the Flash
BlackVortex604 chapter 14 . 2/16
Yoyowhatsuupppu chapter 15 . 2/16
We’re supposed to believe this shit?
Toma69 chapter 15 . 2/15
R.I.P Kamikaze132... may you find peace wherever we go when we die...I'll miss you and your stories.
Ardy Super Earthlings 6 chapter 15 . 2/14
So, one of us has go home in heaven. Rest in Peace, Brother. Hope you have peace in there. wish us luck.
Issei Uzumaki chapter 15 . 2/14
So sorry for your loss. RIP Kamikaze132
august29th chapter 14 . 2/12
LMAO BRO IS 100% not dead
august29th chapter 15 . 2/12
the usual “he died” card
jimmy.oz chapter 15 . 2/11
Sorry for the loss of both your cousin and this story.
Breeden22 chapter 15 . 2/11
Guest chapter 15 . 2/9
My face has never changed from joy to horror so quickly. I'm sorry, he will always remain in my memory as one of the best fanfiction writers. Thanks for telling... F
Ascension of the Peverells chapter 3 . 2/11
Honestly, I think you should’ve written this story from both the OC’s point of view and naruto’s, tilted to the former to make it unique.
KawaiiOverlord31 chapter 14 . 2/11
My condolences
atikshbarthwal chapter 14 . 2/11
Wolf1741 chapter 15 . 2/11
sorry for your loss
Will Zoldyck chapter 14 . 2/11
RIP Kamikaze
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