Reviews for Between Worlds
DCMAISON chapter 9 . 5/5/2022
hehe I've been binge reading this, sorry for not commenting in the previous chapters. This is a lovely story! Love the plot and the characters. Although we've been deprived of the Chihiro Haku moments, I like seeing their interactions with others and their life at the present :DDD I hope Chihiro and her parents reconcile soon. Thanks for writing! I hope you continue, here to support!
Celurian chapter 8 . 8/30/2021
Damn, Kohaku hates so much being called just Haku that even me started to call him with his complete name.

I love Amaya's attitude!
And aaaa i feel so uncomfortable reading about Hinata because she is exactly like a friend I have and is so difficult to talk with! Or just know what he is feeling or thinking... So in this fanfic I feel Chihiro every time haha.

And bruh, I can't with the cat boy and the calls XDDDDD
I laughed so hard because I imagined him doing that weird funny pics of the cats so near from the camera XDXDXD

I really enjoyed this chapter.
Celurian chapter 6 . 8/30/2021
Chihiro is so fortunate to have such friends to lean on.
Celurian chapter 4 . 8/30/2021
OKAY that was big.
Aaaa you inspire me so much, I love how you write.
Celurian chapter 3 . 8/30/2021
D: holy, this chapter was really sad, and these ambitious people is so dangerous, I just hope that Mr Ito doesn' gets hurt. But from what I read well... :'c
Celurian chapter 2 . 8/30/2021
I love your idea, dang it I have a similar idea in my notes xD
Talking about Kohaku, he being agresive toward humans except for Chihiro is pretty accurate, Idk why others didn't think about that.
Celurian chapter 1 . 8/29/2021
OK, from what I until now Im very happy about your take on Chihiro not remembering, even if is something we all see before you are doing it in the use of deja vu's and in my opinion that's really interesting.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say because I think I wrote it too unfocused, lol.

Finally, I'm worried about Chihiro's parents, if they were like that wouldn't be rare if she grew stressed or something and thinking about it Idk how would I feel if my child one day starts to be different in THAT situation, so worrisome._.
Jaja, thank you for this fanfic.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/4/2021
Really awesome story, character building, and dialogue! This has been so fun to read. I hope you find the time to update soon ️
Kels chapter 9 . 4/27/2021
This is amazing! I can’t wait for the next part
James Birdsong chapter 9 . 4/21/2021
Good chapter
june2021 chapter 9 . 4/18/2021
I really like where this is going! I wonder what his backstory is. Also, Chihiro is very perceptive, being able to realize Natsume's abandonment issues.
june2021 chapter 8 . 1/9/2021
I love how you seem to have a whole idea unfolding for this story. I’m so used to just writing and seeing where it takes me lol. I also love your surly cat-spirit. In true Ghibli fashion, the characters aren’t just black and white. There’s a little kindness in this sourpuss lol. Even lovable (Ko)Haku is battling some darkness, in a sense. Really liking this. Keep up the good work 3
WyldClaw chapter 2 . 1/8/2021
WyldClaw chapter 1 . 1/8/2021
What an amazing first chapter
James Birdsong chapter 8 . 10/17/2020
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