Reviews for Dragon of the Eldritch
Guest chapter 33 . 10/4
Good chap
Ryu wolf chapter 33 . 10/3
Great job with this chapter
yann0406 chapter 33 . 10/3
Thanks for the chapter
A10riddick chapter 33 . 10/1
Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!

I wonder with it being Issei that he can talk to mr zombie like Naruto?
A10riddick chapter 32 . 10/1
Great chapter!

Can't wait for the big reveal of unknown!
A10riddick chapter 31 . 10/1
Great chapter!

Loved the baby baby iggy. Curious to know how old he is actually considering there might be a time difference.
A10riddick chapter 30 . 10/1
Great chapter!

Curious to know who the unknown is
fictionelement777 chapter 33 . 9/30
Can't wait for the church duo to meet Asia. That's gonna be fun to read!
Dragon Blaze-X chapter 33 . 9/30
Some one get this man a tentacles flesh shotgun
ahsoei chapter 33 . 9/29
I assume neither Xenovia or Irina took Lag/Gactha's remark about 'Vermin of a Dead God' seriously?
Guest chapter 33 . 9/29
love it
noble6117 chapter 33 . 9/29
dammit now i have to wait for the next one
noble6117 chapter 33 . 9/29
ThunderBasilisk chapter 33 . 9/29
Wonder how many times Xenovias gonna accidentally insult him
sevae chapter 33 . 9/29
seal wane I right in thinking that "that" is an eldritch?
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