Reviews for Tesseract
The beginn of Red Dawn chapter 15 . 8/14/2022
So normally I start with the positive and then comes the negative. But this time I'll do it the other way around.

In any case, the negative is that the story has not received any updates so far.

Then on the bright side, for a change, Naruto doesn't show everyone what he's capable of and keeps his abilities hidden. What you would actually expect from a shinobi. The story itself was well thought out and everything is written in an interesting way in the long run.

It's really fun to read everything and you don't feel like skipping entire chapters. There are a lot of new ideas that really make sense and I wonder why nobody in canon came up with them.

Just the seal for the eyes of the Uchia is an idea that is so simple and meaningful.

Just the seal for the eyes of the Uchia is an idea that is so simple and meaningful.

Thank you for the great ideas and a surprisingly great story so far.
leonardmosca08 chapter 2 . 8/4/2022
I like what I'm reading story has potential I hope you're safe and well and hope you continue in the right and if you are I wish you the best on your future fanfiction endeavors keep up the great work
CookieCreeper chapter 15 . 7/29/2022
Now this is a nice story. I like how you got me thinking about all the logic that goes into the Naruto world and how some just don't make sense whatsoever. Other than writing more praises for this story, all I got to say is I'm invested and excited about what's to come.
Hugo0974 chapter 15 . 7/24/2022
Love the story! Your portrait of Naruto, although basically a Oc, is interesting and believable, considering all that he had to overcome in this future you one sad think is that you don’t update for almost a year.
Well, I will add it to my favorites, hope you return the updates.
MattBlack chapter 14 . 7/20/2022
Raikage in Naruto's old time line was A... B was his brother aka Kirabi aka killer bee. "Float like a butterfly, sting like a Bee..."
Rodrigo Vega Vega chapter 15 . 7/7/2022
Amigo esto es toda una puta obra de arte a la lectura, si bien al principio tuve problemas al leerlo en primera persona te acostumbras y la experiencia es más envolvente, cada detalle cuidado es agradable de leer.

Estaré esperando con un gusto enorme el siguiente capítulo, solo espero que esto no termine siendo abandonado y desperdiciado.
iamaninjabruh chapter 15 . 6/26/2022
pls update
myafroatemydog chapter 15 . 6/15/2022
Pretty fantastic story kinda sad I read if all
myafroatemydog chapter 14 . 6/15/2022
Good chapter
myafroatemydog chapter 13 . 6/15/2022
Pretty good chapter
myafroatemydog chapter 9 . 6/14/2022
Damn good chapter
myafroatemydog chapter 8 . 6/14/2022
Pretty good chapter
myafroatemydog chapter 7 . 6/14/2022
Damn good chapter
myafroatemydog chapter 6 . 6/14/2022
Pretty good chapter
myafroatemydog chapter 5 . 6/14/2022
Good chapter
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