Reviews for Solace
Rose1816 chapter 33 . 11/8/2023
Loved this story!
kenyatta.harmon0516 chapter 11 . 7/12/2023
Not bad but the Amish speak Is to much for me
PurpleRain27 chapter 33 . 5/1/2023
I am so glad Emmett came back into their lives.
PurpleRain27 chapter 30 . 5/1/2023
Loved this story, I am so sad it had to end.

Thank you for sharing.
twificfan chapter 12 . 4/27/2023
I am enjoying this very unique story and its simularities to Twilight!
reader71360 chapter 1 . 4/23/2023
As someone who wanted to adopt, I think more single moms should consider it.
banshee69 chapter 33 . 12/15/2022
Just wanted to say what an amazing story this is. Loved how you mixed some PA Dutch in there too; made it more believable. Thank you for an entertaining fic.

Iersseltje chapter 33 . 11/23/2022
Lovely story. Thank you for sharing.
misstresswillow chapter 1 . 10/22/2022
I just finished this story! I loved it! Thank you
Gryffindorkable13 chapter 1 . 5/25/2022
i feel so weird trying to read this, i live like 10 minutes from Berlin lol
0relax0 chapter 33 . 5/20/2022
This story is beyond wonderful.I generally do not review but this story compelled me to do so.I love how I got to understand a different culture. It was such an emotional journey.I loved how you made Bella matured,choose the adoption,its consequences,basically showing giving a baby for adoption is okay and it sometimes does means that the parent loves it. Also yes,religion should make you happy. It is so beautiful how you showed them slowly falling in love from miserable life to happy life. Thank you for sharing.
Suzy Q Something chapter 33 . 4/20/2022
This story was beautiful but had a way of occasionally squeezing your heart.
RunsWithWolves77 chapter 11 . 3/11/2022
You've come up with an interesting twist. I'm not so sure it's realistic tho'. How will they proceed?
lawshark chapter 33 . 2/22/2022
I loved the Christmas update. These are such great characters - would love to see a sequel or some additional future takes.
Guest chapter 33 . 2/8/2022
Can we get an outtake of Cadence wanting to meet Bella? Preferably when she’s young….before graduating high school….
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