Reviews for Daeron the Worthy(Jon Snow SI)
Batmanwolf738 chapter 2 . 7/27/2024
Please don't have Jon end up with Daenerys
Eluvia Umbra chapter 56 . 7/22/2024
Loved it~!
Fontina Ori-chan chapter 2 . 7/9/2024
There were times i abandon a story because they do Harem. so... Thanks for not doing it TvTthumbs up*
ja3419 chapter 56 . 7/6/2024
Nice Varys is content while Tyrion builds his own legacy in Mereen.
dhrubo20 chapter 56 . 6/18/2024
This was quite enjoyable. Great work on this. I would have liked more smut, but it is fine with it still.
crossover-lover1 chapter 1 . 6/17/2024
A great read, good pacing and a happy ending
back028 chapter 56 . 6/15/2024
Such a wonderful story!
thatcher577 chapter 56 . 5/28/2024
I thank you for the chapter.
thatcher577 chapter 55 . 5/28/2024
I thank you for the chapter.
thatcher577 chapter 54 . 5/28/2024
I thank you for the chapter.
thatcher577 chapter 53 . 5/28/2024
I thank you for the chapter.
thatcher577 chapter 52 . 5/28/2024
I thank you for the chapter.
thatcher577 chapter 51 . 5/28/2024
I thank you for the chapter.
thatcher577 chapter 50 . 5/28/2024
I thank you for the chapter.
thatcher577 chapter 49 . 5/28/2024
I thank you for the chapter.
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