Reviews for Daeron the Worthy(Jon Snow SI)
Guest chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
Seriously how can Sansa make such a suggestion? To suggest hiding its legitimacy is absolutely horrible, it will only muddy things up and cause a lot of trouble.
Better to present oneself as the rightful Targaryen heir and more importantly it is better to clean up the dishonor on his father Rhaegar's name.
Has Sansa read any history books? Does Sansa really expect the Lords of Westeros to follow a bastard? Many will see it as a Blackfyre 2.0 so they will be reluctant to follow it.
I sincerely hope that I will not follow such a stupid plan.

Better to present yourself immediately as Prince Targaryen and face all the controversy only once, especially because Jon will have on his side the political power gained from his victory against Bolton and his new dragon.

all this without counting that he will be able to present the undead to all lords and thanks to his dragon and the political power that all warriors have in westeros, he will present himself in their eyes as the only one who can guide them to win the battle for the dawn 2.0
Guest chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
The change to the sigil isn't bad but I was never a fan of the 3 headed dragon, resembled a hydra too much for my taste. I reckon something like a winged wolf would be more appropriate or a dragon with spread wings with a blue rose at the center. On the subject of pairings with sansa out, it's either alys karstark, daenarys, or arianna martell (if she's in this version), all 3 of them seems like the best way to politically solidify inheritance to the throne, a targearyean bride would appease the loyalists, a northern one appeas' the northern lords, and arriana would defuse the hostilities with dorne. Granted I'm a fan of harems but it seems to be the best political move from my viewpoint. Looking forward to the next chapter m8.
perseus peverell chapter 5 . 8/21/2020
VEry good,this was what I expected the book Jon to act llike. The show just pissed on Jon's character making him very 1-D.
goblin chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
javi30 chapter 5 . 8/20/2020
Very good chapter.
You know for a moment I thought that Jon's dragon would arrive and burn all the Ironborn that were in the place.
I suppose that having passed two castles to the sword has made some lords of the north support Jon more actively but he asked me if it is wise to trust them.
Keep writing.
Blessings and good health to you and your loved ones.
vyoom chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
The strategy of surrounding Ramsey is remarkable. Jon was prudent not to accept Santa’s convoluted plan on face value.
Also, thanks for clearing up the siege option in your note.
qwertypous chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
nah she didn't, dany had this thing of showing off her dragons to the enemy heh which end badly for one of her dragons.
Lillian81 chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
I’m uh not sure about Sansa’s plan. She wants him to tell his heritage but not that they were married? Won’t the northern lords be furious about following Rapist Rhaegar’s child? Wouldn’t they be more understanding if he claimed him true name and legitimacy but also either explained he didn’t know til recently and so identified mostly as a stark, or he knew and that’s why he did the honourable thing and joined the watch? The more he can distance himself from the poor opinion the north has of Targaryens, the better. The best way would to absolve his father because the truth will out eventually. chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
then I will only ask that Jon marry any woman other than Daenerys, she does not contribute anything for the lords of Westeros to follow; no one in their right mind will accept a foreigner like her and more one after what her father caused the kingdom.
You really have to author the level of magic to make it more interesting, although I'm already happy with Jon being a powerful skin changer.
Poseidon3000 chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
good fic
Guest chapter 4 . 8/17/2020
I respect your views on the iron bank that would support Dany rather than Cersei, but as an economist I can assure you that any sane bank would support Cersei rather than Dany, but Jon may be a good alternative now that he gets Baelish's gold.

Cersei is a Lannister and the Lannisters pay their dues.
Lannisters have a very long history of reliability, what does Daenerys have? Daenerys has never been reliable in all the deals she's done ... anyone who approached her to make a deal got a backstab.
Reliability is very important to a banker, and Daenerys has proven unreliable time and time again. Just look at how she got her army by pretending to sell her dragon and then burning the ones she was doing business with. It can be argued that they were slavers and therefore deserved to die, but any banker would realize that Daenerys is unreliable and cannot have a secure business relationship with her.
This has happened several times, such as when she returned to Meereen and met the slavers in a peace meeting, only for her to board her dragon and burn the fleet while the emissaries were killed by Gray Worm.

I also have no idea if you're relying on books or TV, but in any case, Daenerys anti-schivit campaign was a total disaster. The girl could barely keep control over Meereen and had 8k men keeping order. Yunkai immediately rebelled as soon as she left and Queentin Martell describes Astapor as hell on earth after Daenerys passed.

I have nothing against Daenerys, the girl may be crazy or perfectly sane, but I assure you that no banker would be stupid enough to support her.
Cersei is much more reliable than Daenerys. She is a Lannister and is willing to pay off debts.
Now that Jon has obtained Petyr Baelish's gold, Jon becomes a plausible alternative, as if I remember correctly in the books Jon had already done business with the iron bank when he was Lord Commander and the bank representative considered Jon reliable precisely because he was son of Ned Stark.
So the name Stark also grants reliability.

Why do you think the iron bank was willing to lend gold to Stannis?
Stannis was trustworthy and therefore the iron bank knew he would receive his gold.
Trust is very important and I assure you that no one in their right mind would trust Daenerys.

So if I were an iron banker, I'd choose Jon.
For 3 simple reasons:
1: He is a man. (Sounds like bullshit but we are in Westeros and a man on a throne gives a certainty of stability. I am that my claim is racist but the truth is that Westeros has its own culture and that culture prefers men to women when it comes to ruling. ).
2: He has gold. (He's about to get Baelish's gold and I'm sure it will be enough gold to allow Jon to pay off all the debts and have much more to rebuild the war-torn lands).
3: He is a Targaryen with a dragon. (If earlier there was any doubt about supporting him because he might have lost in a war against Cersei or Daenerys, now that he has a dragon there is no doubt that he is the right horse to stake money on.)
h4lfbl00dprinc3 chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
Liking this fic so far. Kudos.
AnimeA55Kicker chapter 4 . 8/19/2020
While Scorpions are a threat to dragons, the accuracy shown in GOT is complete bullshit. Machine guns have issues hitting flying targets, let alone a large clunky one shot per minute weapon shooting at a fast moving object hundreds of feet in the air. And that bullshit doesn’t even begin to factor in that somehow Dany was surprised when the Iron Fleet just showed up out of nowhere without her seeing it. Fucking season 8.
Scurra71900 chapter 5 . 8/19/2020
Thanks for the chapters!
DBzfan45 chapter 4 . 8/17/2020
I really like your semi realistic take on this Game of Thrones ,cause Rickon didn't have to die anyway that was done for some fucked up shock value purposes in the story plot wise. They just to had to dumb down Jon enough to not save Rickon fast enough , while Sansa was a prat calling on Baelish was dick move to Jon in the Battle of Bastards. I would love to see Ramsey Bolton's head on a stick anytime. what he did to Sansa still pisses me off with a vengeance. it wasn't what happened in the books and not to her ,but was made to cannon anyway, she had a better chance with Tyrion at least. The Dany situation is another thing they fuck up on, where was the trust, and Dany's unexplained madness burning Kings landing. I mean what was Jon thinking Killing his last and only real relative left near the end and they had a somewhat mutual political marriage. It is understandable she killed a lot people doing that, but others have done far worse than she. Dany came a long way to go out like that, This close to the" Iron throne" then a fucked up 180 at the end. Now that is off my chest. Can't wait till next chapter. Also glad for your SI Jon . Catch ya later!
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