Reviews for The Gamer's Guide to Freedom
Church21 chapter 1 . 10/16/2024
I really liked what youvr done with necromancy in other FFs. Cant say his idea to summon undead to fight for him is a good one though. Zombies and skeletons are pretty weak and most enemies youd fight in dxd would turn them to dust in .01 seconds. Not to mention youd be hanging out with rotting corpses all day. The smell alone would suck ass. So necromancy itself sucks *not really cool* but i like what youve done in other stories with it.
Kairan1979 chapter 17 . 9/23/2024
It's funny that the Pot of Greed keeps mocking him.
Kairan1979 chapter 16 . 9/23/2024
I feel sorry for Millicas, being hit by the news like that.
Kairan1979 chapter 15 . 9/22/2024
And Kuro's evil plan had worked; Grayfia did willingly everything she was forced to do before.
Kairan1979 chapter 14 . 9/22/2024
I'm glad Sirzech finally read Rias a riot act. He is right; she dug the hole herself. If she trained properly and made sure to unlock her peerage's potential, she wont't be in that situation.
Kairan1979 chapter 12 . 9/22/2024
The Dark Lord Tower is definitely more imposing than the goblin outpost.
Kairan1979 chapter 9 . 9/22/2024
Go, Kuro. Trying to avoid getting involved in the war between three factions, only to start another, between the pantheons.
Kairan1979 chapter 8 . 9/22/2024
Rias should have known; desperation attracts vultures.
Kairan1979 chapter 6 . 9/22/2024
It's ironic that Izan evolved because he wanted to get laid.
Kairan1979 chapter 5 . 9/22/2024
Rias really did a great disservice to her peerage by coddling them.
Kairan1979 chapter 1 . 9/22/2024
When you don't have an undead army, you'll be forced to resort to kidnapping humans. I don;t know what Kuro was expecting.
Mortal Mayhem chapter 1 . 7/20/2024
When i read stories i try not to complain at the start but this is honestly somewhat annoying it literally just seems like a hey dude fuck your a villian now and get no ladies go die alone
Mortal Mayhem chapter 1 . 7/20/2024
Necromancy is such a bad choice cuz now he’ll have a big target on his back
Guest chapter 5 . 6/23/2024
Lmao I love Izan
Apedreitor chapter 5 . 6/8/2024
i need to get this out from me but... IZAN IS THE GOAT! THE GOAT!
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