Reviews for One Who is Many
MartinDeShade chapter 4 . 6/1
It is an interesting story, but it just doesn't feel like Taylor. It's an OC with some of Taylor's power with little of her personality.
sniperbro1998 chapter 4 . 3/27
I'm loving the relationship between Tyene and Ophella.
sniperbro1998 chapter 2 . 3/27
So Tyene has some not so sisterly feelings for Taylor huh?
sniperbro1998 chapter 1 . 1/26
Is Tyene and Ophella in a relationship? That's a interesting choice and i'm down for it.
Jessica45395 chapter 17 . 11/22/2023
great story! i hope you continue it!
mst3ktoo chapter 6 . 8/14/2023
I could just picture her getting frustrated with the ice demons interrupting her vacation and forcing her to wipe the Dust from her escalation.
blash96 chapter 17 . 12/12/2022
This Story is really good! but if there was one thing I could care less about its the interludes of battles against the Pirates...
What makes this story so good are the Sisters by far. They are all unique and add something substancial to the story even though Ophalia is of course the "main" character even then.
The fights of the dornish man against the pirates just reads like regular game of thrones just less polished and I dont really care for any of the characters on that side even thouch I tried at the beginning, and hoped it would change and something interesting would happen there, while I am smiling all the time at any viewpoints involving in some way the daughters.
So for me currently a 8/10 story which would be a 9/10 close to 10/10 without the fights on the other side of westeros.

As for the future chapters I hope my theory is correct and the "women" attacking and infiltrating bran is lisa in some way chape or form and I fervently hope the story stays clear of deaths of any of the important people we have had viewpoints on on the (currently) north side of westeros
god eater chapter 9 . 11/4/2022
the plot is going sideways and many ways. i dont know what is going on lmfaoo. from their own sworn enemies to their future confidants? was ophelia too weak to succumb to cersei's face and actions that they forgo any plans in the future? it's so weird but in some way a genius plan to infiltrate the royal family so that they can force tywin lannister to release his lapdog gregor clegane. but the fact that she wants to risk exposure to her true knowledge, using Tattletale of all things lowers some magic in ophelia's life. it's great she can confide with her sisters, but cersei? weird to the max
fhfhjdsd chapter 12 . 10/1/2022
grrrr damnnit, really? great way to kill the momentum with that end. shit nuggets ahoy this ruined it for me.
gduwhbd chapter 6 . 10/1/2022
Sex or sex scenes?
Immortal Potatoe chapter 17 . 8/25/2022
Immortal Potatoe chapter 17 . 8/24/2022
CMVreud chapter 17 . 8/17/2022
Because he was pretty sure she wasn't a witch.
Indeed. This young man was convinced what he'd just heard was the confession of either a goddess or a demoness.
And he had absolutely no idea what to do.

New Faith incoming in 3... 2... 1...

This chapter is wonderful, if a bit lenthy, but if it's not longer per chapter than 'the Weaver Option' all is good.
And I really want to see where Taylor/Ophelias story goes.
doraemax chapter 17 . 8/15/2022
i am rather confused by the timeline they are in the North. are they still keeping with canon? i feel as if they have been making the North their home for quite awhile... like a month or two longer than the whirlwind visit in canon.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/9/2022
It would be far more hilarious if QA is somehow shuffling around Westeros in Taylor's old corpse than just force triggering people unrelated to NeoTaylor, author. You better go with that instead of putting parahumans in here.
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