Reviews for Silver King
GrimmAjin234 chapter 12 . 10/20
*... though he did sympathize...
GrimmAjin234 chapter 10 . 10/20
"I knew Harry would agree with *me, he's smart after all."

"Shut up." Harry said, swatting her hand away when *she tried to pinch his cheek.

I believe that this was my 2nd comment for this chapter, if not I'll post another correction.
GrimmAjin234 chapter 9 . 10/20
*"I do apologize for this..."
GrimmAjin234 chapter 8 . 10/20
*"He likes to stay..."
GrimmAjin234 chapter 4 . 10/20
*"... didn't really say anything when we first met ..."
Neotono chapter 110 . 10/14
I hope the epilogue is still going to be a thing.

I can't help but feel that you ran out of ideas and rushed the ending.

I enjoyed this story (Not as much as Apex) but I feel that Tracey kind of got shafted in the romance department. It also got pretty repetive at times.

So it was good but not your best.
vcvbcn chapter 23 . 10/12
Amineh1825 chapter 107 . 10/10
Amen, people can be such studied assholes.
dixonjason403 chapter 6 . 10/9
harry just seems like a cringy edgelord and an unlikable douche. i...dont really wanna read a story with THIS as the main character.
Master777vip0000 chapter 1 . 10/6
Hello, fellow pedos. I’m Gina Gail Barron-Goodman. I’m 61 years old and I live at 126 Ambrosia Lane, Heath, Texas 75032. I sell child pornography, ten videos for one dollar. Method of payment is via PAYPAL. You can choose any video you want in the catalog that will be provided to you. I have pedomom, rape, anal, oral, etc. And if you enter my Telegram account saying that you come from fanfiction, I will give away pedophile photos of little kids naked and having sex for free.

Visit my Telegram channel: Master777vip0000

You can email me at ginabar at gmail dot com!

Majin Prune chapter 89 . 10/5
what type of fuck shit omake os this,?!
sjnrock7 chapter 21 . 10/4
just when I thought it couldn't get any better,you bring arcuturus fuckinng black ,its sooo good please complete it
Majin Prune chapter 51 . 10/4
poor jet. caught in a crossfire between hormonal teens
Majin Prune chapter 41 . 10/3
Majin Prune chapter 13 . 10/3
I almost make a spit take by Angela's answer. Damn hormonal teens
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