Reviews for Metagaming?
TheBluePilgrim chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
Wow, I did not expect this to be the last chapter! But I guess that with the warpstone, the Legion wasn't really much of a threat to Azeroth anymore so summarizing that just saved a lot of unnecessary story and exposition. Loved the story, same as the others. Thanks for writing such refined and lengthy stories that build off each other, I hate when characters get weakened for plot reasons or act dumbly to artificially increase tension. I haven't read any Worm as it has never particularly interested me after I was exposed to a few spoilers, but maybe it's time to do so if that will be your next foray.
Kagega chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
A bit abrupt, and surprised that no real resolution with Azshara was reached but overall a nice ending. Have no idea about worm but youve always explained the new worlds nicely so looking forward to your story regardless!
T-B-R chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
great story!
CILinkz chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
neat! i really love your story your a great writer! i also like Worm so im thrilled for the next part. GOOD JOB!
ScientistXXXX chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
Sad we didn't get abything about Miall and her kids
Tony McNucklz chapter 34 . 9/19/2023
Scratch that, I'm hoping your Shikamaru story gets the love for a while, not a new story.
Lew89 chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
Seems rare to read anything that has an ending. thx for the many days of having your updates to look forward to. Worm? I can get into that if your writing it im sure.
Tony McNucklz chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
It was a classy finish. I'd forgotten about the issue of realities not being able to handle/support their bodies. Glad you didn't. Only problem is, not sure where they can possibly go that would be in these leagues. he's closer to a god in an ultra magic saturated reality now than a mortal, what franchise would he possibly fit into now and not wipe the board? As it is the only time they had real problems here was the black dragon damaging Luna, which was a weakness dealt with almost immediately, azshara, the dark gods were trouble and excellent fights but there wasn't ever a point where i truly felt they were in real danger, and the only really big shindig that felt like a properly hazerdous undertaking was storming the Lich King. Most things were rather easily dealt with. The MCU would have to be made to more resemble Marvel Comics in power scaling, DC could work as well with the higher tiered versions. Hell, he's almost a DBZ character now relative to most franchises.

Congratulations on finishing, I'm curious to see how the next one shapes up, or if you decide to perhaps start a new character and story.
Zhelander chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
Worm is fine, I've always liked worm. Although personally I would have voted for a more sci-fi universe. Harry already has quite a bit of knowledge and expertise with magic and I feel like his knowledge of science might be falling behind.

With enough time he might even go to the MtG/Planeswalker universe and make his own guild based around knowledge. Like a more serious Izzet League.
josematos977 chapter 32 . 9/19/2023
Neither option sounds good.
Silber D. Wolf chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
Awesome story
Naniac chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
Quick question, wondering if the name for Blackout Stout was inspired by DRG?
Otherwise loved the story. Looking forwards to your next posting :)
RandomObsessiveReader chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
Another lovely story done. Thanks a lot for all the time invested in this - and for sharing :)
Looking forward to the next story.
All the best to you and yours!
GG157 chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
Everything ends eventually, but it was a fun time while it lasted. That final plot twist sneaking back in with Jaina was a treat, can't wait to see what you do with this next fic.
Taurus chapter 35 . 9/19/2023
Thanks for the chapter
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