Reviews for Rhodes Island's Psychologist
Niuzu0130 chapter 670 . 10/28/2024
A Journey Ends And Another Begins
It was a pleasure to read this
Niuzu0130 chapter 593 . 10/26/2024
Oh come on!
rwbybomb21 chapter 21 . 10/5/2024
...i genuinely don't know what kind of person you're writing this lin yie to be, but if 'unrepentant moron with literally no brain cells in his head' is it then you succeeded. i can't read this, the premise of a sickly doctor with his time limited becoming a psychologist was genuinely interesting, but the way you went about it killed any and all interest i may have had.
AzuMazu chapter 9 . 2/12/2024
"I see my talk no jutsu failed"

"Good thing i still have my Gun no jutsu"
Marc134500 chapter 535 . 10/4/2023
humans are selfless to their core. Do you mean selfish?
AvirRapter chapter 104 . 10/2/2023
KYA~ Skadi!
AvirRapter chapter 1 . 10/2/2023
Oh, forgot to mention.

This chapter cooks, and it cooks like an experienced chef.
AvirRapter chapter 20 . 10/2/2023
AvirRapter chapter 29 . 10/2/2023
These translator notes are amazing. Love 'em.
W1NTERF0X chapter 31 . 8/4/2023
Ahahahah. That small wall break is amazing, it's been a while since I saw someone sneak in a good one like that. Very nice!
Dasgun chapter 670 . 5/27/2023
Guest chapter 42 . 5/23/2023
Demil may cry
XianYun chapter 1 . 2/25/2023
love the fic even if it has flaws, if you ever come back for this, I'm hoping you could write a sequel based on this as we can see you can start again on better terms
farrelspiral chapter 553 . 2/18/2023
Ling ye got that rizz bro
farrelspiral chapter 398 . 2/16/2023
ye that was dumb of you lin ye lmao
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