Reviews for Caterpillar
journeyman3929 chapter 23 . 1/3
author had to remove limes because you fgts RRRRREEEEEE too much.
gd you are just out of touch with reality.
you are ok with priests and rappers screwing little kids, but "oh no, some sexual scenes are offensive to me".
Truu Bluu chapter 56 . 12/7/2024
Minato didn't put the nine tails in Naruto for the sake of the village. It was a side objective but the main reason was because Naruto would need the strength of the nine tails to fight Madara one day. He did naruto a favor. He was expected Naruto to one day control the nine tails power. It was a deliberate and thought out action and he was right. He even told Naruto that he knew Naruto was strong enough to overcome the pain and use the nine tails power as a gift. Don't write it in as if Minato putting nine tails in Naruto was anything but the best course of action
Sahamosveb chapter 17 . 11/26/2024
No one bans you for sex scenes. They ban for such scenes involving minors and when there is a personal conflict between the administration and the author.
KaidoFett chapter 57 . 11/12/2024
Wow this story was great one of many of your amazing fics going to start emmisary now
gryphan.master900 chapter 9 . 11/2/2024
Human trafficking is an inaccurate statement when talking about multiple species, just call it what it is, slavery.
anwarkhalil119 chapter 52 . 10/9/2024
It was good till kurama became divine
It a really really bad ending
HuntersShadow chapter 56 . 10/6/2024
I did not like this fic.

I thought it would be interesting.

You do have some positives going for you in being committed to writing this story, but I have concerns. There wasn’t much in terms of theme, character foils or development. It just, to me, felt like particular characters were being bashed, dragged through the mud. The supporting cast was very one-note with a wink and nod for a token couple like Starfire and Supergirl, who don’t get any character development other than This Happened, This Happened and very little explaining their relationship. I get people are into this ‘punish the heroes for how ignorant and stupid they are for sparing villains,’ but it’s poor writing and you could do much better. I used to be into that stuff myself, when I was a younger writer & reader of fanfiction.

Honestly, it was a phase I went through but these days, I think a lot about the mechanics of a good story, character development, etc.

I did at least like how Diana and Naruto related to one another on the immortality business, being lied to, etc. It was a positive in this fic that got to me.

The ending’s dismissal of his relationship with Sasuke made me groan. It’s not this Canon Sacrilege or something, it’s the downplaying of certain relationships. Re-reading the manga helps better flesh out how Sasuke and Naruto affected one another - there’s a good reason they have the Sun and Moon motif going for them. You do a good job structure-wise when it comes to these episodes that make up a mini-arc, but the foreshadowing wasn’t there all that much like with Superman’s death that should have been a universe changing effect. I also couldn’t take seriously the idea that meta humans and the various governments wouldn’t work together to produce a good hero system.

It’s a little ridiculous to me to take this setting you’re writing in, it's like all he world's governments are like Sideshow Bob, running into rakes over and over again. People are complex, but incompetent is another question. That the US government keeps stumbling into one affair after another is a big one for me. I like how in the DCAU, after making serious mistakes, Superman proposes solutions to better improve relationships on Earth with the Justice League. Or how Flash approached the problem of supervillains like he did at the bar with one of his rogue’s gallery. The same goes for Waller, who people like reducing to a hate sink, showed serious convictions about working with the hero community.

I hope I didn’t come off too harshly. Have a nice day.
Primarx chapter 57 . 9/10/2024
if orcbane become a harem of sisters than pls mention this either here or in pm to me. i am not much of a man of single pairing as they tend to repeat themself. (bad harem stories i don't count, same for stories repeating all canon events despite changing characters)
Lord StormZ chapter 57 . 9/9/2024
Why are you using old completed stories for your updates? It's really freaking annoying.
scotty26 chapter 57 . 9/9/2024
I have to catch up on The Renegade story but I do agree that the Naruto/Konan pairing is very new and interesting. I've always liked Naruto/Ino, and Naruto/Sakura more than I ever did with Naruto/Hinata pairing. I've read a few Naruto/Temari pairings but not a whole lot because the only pairing (I think) Kishimoto ever did right was Shika/Temari
scacasdddii chapter 57 . 9/9/2024
kinda annoying that you just keep updating old stories for no reason
HelloEver22 chapter 57 . 9/9/2024
That naruti and warcraft crossover over sounds cool. I have not looked in that particular crossover in a long time.
Alasaverem heydrich chapter 57 . 9/9/2024
7w7 thanks author
Neoacoya1 chapter 39 . 9/2/2024
How is infinite punishment for finite crimes Just?
Cain chapter 12 . 8/23/2024
The nerfs reduce my joy for this story
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