Reviews for Gamer of the Void
alsdjhfgljkwebgh chapter 3 . 12/30/2024
Retard charges for his fanfiction and can't even finish any of it.
Guest chapter 43 . 12/15/2024
Pregunta esta historia es de mis favoritas me gustaria saber si algun dia lo actualizaras?
En serio seria genial poder ver como sigue esta historia.
Guest chapter 37 . 12/6/2024
Loving the Yua stuff! Thanks For the chapter
Guest chapter 30 . 12/5/2024
Oh how I love the omake
ruben rincon chapter 43 . 12/5/2024
friend when you update this story, I am eagerly waiting for the next chapter.
Eurasian chapter 43 . 11/24/2024
Obviously just a power fantasy filled with way too much women, but I suppose it has a charm of its own. Was rather fun to read, though I was disappointed at how little the MC arms himself but rather focuses most of his efforts on arming his harem.
Please update chapter 43 . 10/3/2024
Hey I know you haven't Uploaded in a while for this story but I would really love to know what's going to happen next Instead of just focusing on one story until it gets boring maybe throw in some other stories update some old stories that would probably help... But yeah... All I'm asking is for you to update this story like add a new chapter I would really love to see where this story goes I really want to see the the end of it
AlexianBlithworth chapter 37 . 10/3/2024
Bruh, are you my Writer Soulmate?
Or do I have to wonder just how random LIFE itself is with how much we think alike? lol
Pretty much the best writer I've seen here with massive passion and consistency.
Gurkaii chapter 29 . 10/2/2024
No way the shop is called A.S.S. lmao
ImHateful chapter 12 . 9/7/2024
God I feel like Axton is obnoxious, It's getting more difficult for me to read, doesn't want to become a devil because of such weak reasons and not even smart ones, just his own ego which I find stupid. He isn't looking at the full because nor further thinking upon the benefits, he claims the system can do everything they're offering him in due time, yet the argument could be made that the system could just as easily change him back to human if he wanted to if it's that easy for him to gain longevity, boosted magic and other devil abilities than it's just as easy for him to get out of those "chains".

The benefits of accepting the deal far outweighs the cons, if he accepted the affection gains would be faster, he would get the backing of not one but two power devils that are the leaders of the underworld as well as their favor, he could use that to snowball his alchemy and other crafting classes with those connections.

That's not even to say that he gets a big in with Serafall who he wants in his harem. Plus he has ins with devil society and all the business/ opportunities they give easily without him having to put any further efforts into forging those connections because he's tied to two pillar clans.

All in all it would of made things easier but he had to give a flimsy reason to excuse his petty ego.

Frustrates me to no end.
blazingwolffang chapter 43 . 8/31/2024
Here lies his last great story buried under shit
Suchaskiver chapter 43 . 8/30/2024
shifty. where are you?!
Maxorus123 chapter 11 . 8/23/2024
Live the destiny eqsyer egg
Guest chapter 2 . 8/18/2024
Stop switching tenses, you brain dead monkey fucking idiot
Livedark chapter 1 . 8/10/2024
Jesus the amount of lemons
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