Reviews for A Gamer's Life When He Wants To Avoid The Plot
apenasoutrocafe chapter 34 . 1/25
This os dropped ?
Sad T-T
nikolasj314 chapter 34 . 12/18/2023
it been more than 2 years since you stopped writing this, but that's ok, as long as you come back, that's all that matters.
Kknd2 chapter 33 . 12/12/2023
Ah, looks like we have a new direct antagonist, the (Evil) Doctor Merlot!

Really an interesting choice there, since he has versatility and with Salem being less cartoonishly evil (so far) there kind of needs to be someone trying to 'kill our protagonists to death.' Kind of love the depiction of his thought process with the Grimm attractor. He's correct, but that doesn't mean he's right.

Is it silly of me that I kind of want to see Jeanne Arc's PoV for this time period? Because I can only picture this as a truly comedic first day with 'random student slaps aura into me and says 'good luck not dying' as only the third weirdest thing to happen to her that day.

Our protagonist has failed an 'implications check' twice here. First, that it fired to do that at all. Second, it didn't say anything about the other girl he was involved with. Sure, the wording suggests it averted the unplanned parenthood situation, but implications aren't facts.
Kknd2 chapter 8 . 12/11/2023
I have to admit, having the System break down in frustration is a really great way to drag our protagonist into the world. If sapient systems like these would just, tell their user that and properly communicate, so much fuss could be avoided. It's like an invisible GM that doesn't communicate directly until they reach their limit.

But it does make for a great comedic scene, that's for sure!
vanvikki3 chapter 14 . 11/21/2023
Guest chapter 34 . 11/16/2023
You coming back?
vanvikki3 chapter 1 . 11/15/2023
B127 chapter 34 . 11/14/2023
This was good, shame you stoped writing it
MythicalDemonGod chapter 34 . 10/27/2023
Thanks for the chapter~ I loved the fanfic. I'd love to see more on it, but I don't have much hope considering it was last updated nearly 2 1/2 years ago.
MythicalDemonGod chapter 21 . 10/27/2023
OK, WOW. Firstly, icecream maiden Neo is amazing, but guest review suggesting 'The Guild' and 'The GamerZ'... I have no words for. I agree with them that 'Bliss Ocean' isn't the best name, it sounds a bit unusual, but those suggestions are about as good as suggesting to call a dog shelter 'Doggos' or a white cat 'Shiro', a 5-year old could come up with better names, heck - I might be able to come up with a better one
pertemis4lyfe chapter 34 . 10/12/2023
Disappointment chapter 1 . 9/28/2023
Wait, this was made by the author of badass quest across pandora? Damn, dude really shit his pants. Doubt it'll wash off in this lifetime.
Disappointment chapter 3 . 9/28/2023
Im dropping, this is trash.
Disappointment chapter 2 . 9/28/2023
Garbage so far.
Disappointment chapter 1 . 9/27/2023
MC is stupid. Nice.
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