Reviews for Re:Zero Watching Him Die Again and Again
august29th chapter 12 . 10h
Something about this makes me scream for them to see the routes, to see what would of been for their hypocricy to come to fruition and birth the personalities that could of been, how their arrogance could of comdended them to death by the Archibishop of Pride, or the King of Wrath, to see their country fall apart as his slothed happiness with Rem, to become one anew with Lust, to see their “perfect” world be shaped upon by a lord unwavering in the face of death in search of satisfying his greed, or in their death of themselves in search for more in the gluttony route.
Gamer1020465 chapter 17 . 2/6
Thank you for making this its peak.
demissedwaifu chapter 17 . 2/5
Awww, here I was hoping after not reading chap 16 after a few months we would get more chapters :c
Guest chapter 8 . 2/1
This is one of the best fanfics I have ever read keep up the amazing work, I can't wait to see what happens when subaru wakes up
DarkForDead chapter 17 . 2/3
Espero que el siguiente capítulo logré salir pronto Autor
Su historia es 10/10 y súper GOD
Guest chapter 17 . 2/1
It was very cool
therealet chapter 17 . 2/3
goat is back
Guest chapter 15 . 1/26
Dijiste "te amo" demaciadas veces ¿acaso eres una multicuenta de satella?
(Que chiste más malo jajajaj)
Guest chapter 14 . 1/25
Me encanta,vale cada segundo que invierto en ella
Me veré cada capitulo que subas.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/25
Simplemente cine
Kivratma chapter 17 . 1/25
Damn ı was so hyped for the parents and it isnt out yet. Well… gonna have to wait. But reading all this in a mere week was one of the most fantastic journeys of my life. Loved ur writings man cant wait
daliapv.perez chapter 16 . 1/23
Estare pendiente
G chapter 17 . 1/21
I need moreee! Please ive been waiting for the updates. I’ve re-read it like a million times just waiting!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/20
Brooooo please post another part of the story, I would like to see season 2 :)
Houseoftards chapter 5 . 1/20
The narrator: Oh Don’t worry,


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