Reviews for Mama Raven
Unknowingly-derpy chapter 10 . 8/10/2024
I know it’s around two years since your last update, but i just wanna say that you’ve definitely pulled me into this AU and hopefully i, and everyone else following this can see it to its conclusion. Cheers!
Zehel2010 chapter 5 . 8/10/2024
Ozpin, You crazy old hypocrite bastard. Raven is a crimonal, but if she deserves a prison, then you deserve far worse.
Guest chapter 10 . 6/22/2024
Love this stumbled across it by chance and I'm heartbroken at the last update being 2 years ago plus. Great story and I hope we get more to it eventually!
Oswald Rabbit chapter 10 . 5/9/2024
Really awesome fanfiction you've created here. I really enjoy the overall tenor of the story, and I find all your portrayals of characters interesting. I also like that it seems a Maiden is finally going to actually do something, versus sitting around waiting to get killed by somebody, a perennial problem in RWBY.

Hope you the best, I will definitely be here if you ever start again.
chrisdiokno117 chapter 2 . 3/10/2024
I hope this gets updated soon
Guest chapter 10 . 1/7/2024
This would be updated more often if the chapters weren't so unnecesarily long. 116044 words in 10 chapters.

That's an average of 11k.

A novella every chapter.

I know fanfiction writers have a fetish for quantity as if it's going to make their works magically better, but... Stop. Please?
Sebine chapter 1 . 12/10/2023
Raven is just too ooc for my tastes
VampireDraken chapter 10 . 11/27/2023
Pleaaaaaaase update this story. I am enjoying this story way too much for it to die here
Gojira Supreme chapter 10 . 9/24/2023
So I just read through everything over the past few hours and I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. Everything works. From character motivation to how the characters interact with each other. I have especially enjoyed everything related to the Xiao Long/Branwen household. I sincerely hoping that this is still being worked on and would love to see this finished someday. On a personal note, I am hoping for some reconciliation between Tai and Raven. I have to admit that I am a sucker for this pairing. The idea of the two coming back together and working past their previous issues to find love in one another again is a tantalizing one to me. The part when Tai leaves and Raven lets her walls down and embraces him while telling him to come back had me tearing up a little. In fact, I teared up at several other times as well. Like I said before, I have enjoyed this ride so far and wish to keep going until it’s end. Best wishes and happy writing.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/22/2023
I am considerably upset that this wasn't UPDATED FOR MORE THAN A YEAR
Cooldude101011 chapter 6 . 6/14/2023
I think every huntsman/huntress should learn basic first aid. Advanced first aid (enough to be called a Medic) would be something a team member would specialise in.
rsh.hetzler chapter 6 . 6/8/2023
The big theory I’ve always heard about Theo is that he is trans but we probably won’t know about that till next season. Ironwood is definitely being ironwood here am I sure that his mental stability will be maintained. Oz Is also being oz we will have to see if that doesn’t have any unforeseen conquences though. V5 is always funny to me cause it’s has great character stuff but the fang plot and big fight are both terrible. It’s nice that the show really picks up after it imo
rsh.hetzler chapter 5 . 6/7/2023
I’ve really been enjoying this story. It can be a little tough to read given how much tai and raven are sniping at each other and how fucked up raven is but that’s not a bad thing. It feels more like what could have happened if raven went back
rsh.hetzler chapter 3 . 6/7/2023
Ok what brilliant about this fic is that tai and raven are both at the worst here. Raven hasn’t completely bought into her bullshit to the degree that she will before yang makes that all crash down in v5. Tai is still destroyed by summers death and does not trust raven have obvious reasons. Raven is also completely fucked up by summers death which is not helping thing. Their are both just kinda terrible, raven more so than tai, and it works. This au also slots into cannon neatly with the point of divergence is that summer never asked raven to go with her on her final mission
rsh.hetzler chapter 2 . 6/7/2023
This really good
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