Reviews for Saving Dobby
Amable chapter 1 . 7/31
I liked it
HalfBlood Prince chapter 1 . 5/27
It was hilarious the interaction between Merope and Voldy, but I would have like to know if Bella was already pregnant and her reaction.
mystpurge chapter 1 . 5/13
please do the sequel to this plz. i loved it.
RHW chapter 1 . 3/6
Love Merope treating Voldy like a llittle misbehaving boy!
Keep writting, your stories are great!
paulieandgilbert chapter 1 . 1/26
Um...yeah, I was hoping this would be about Dobby. Who knew?
Kaybay91 chapter 1 . 10/11/2023
Can there be one where you save Severus early on. I feel like he was either tortured or making up for his torture his whole life.
mystpurge chapter 1 . 7/20/2023
i hope u do more sequels like this.
Tsukoblue chapter 1 . 2/2/2023
It would be cool to see the Harry and Merope have adventures in other series besides Harry Potter
There are thousands of different game, anime or tv shows that you could pick
Pegueng chapter 1 . 11/14/2022
Bwwahahaa, amazing. The visions i get in my head reading this, Merope dragging Moldyshorts along by the ear...
guestthebest chapter 1 . 10/20/2022
Would love for a 1 shot. The work you are doing with this series is fantastic. I love it
Lonty Arbalest chapter 1 . 8/13/2022
Good Story
Jerryk chapter 1 . 7/23/2022
I love the series I wish there was more to read though
Oleonetta chapter 1 . 6/4/2022
I loved this one shot!
would have liked a little more to be honest, maybe until they left this time or something, but I'm grateful for what's here.

I will admit that I'm not really excited for your crossover stories' I prefer the ones that stay in the HP world. having said that, I may give them a try... but I'm sorry to say that unless Harry returns to the HP world, this might be the end 9f the road for me. i have really enjoyed your work though. thankyou for writting. xxx
BillBrink chapter 1 . 4/15/2022
Funny! Thanks.
KongoBongo chapter 1 . 2/25/2022
this was great boom boom done :D
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