Reviews for The First Pillar
Verdauga chapter 4 . 12/12/2022
Verdauga chapter 3 . 12/12/2022
Verdauga chapter 2 . 12/12/2022

Izuku is delightful and a combat Nightmare.
Verdauga chapter 1 . 12/12/2022
Oh? This looks Fantastic, and Tsun Katsuki is always pleasing.
DeltaWolf2038 chapter 9 . 12/9/2022
the FHM fucking got me hard, it's 5 in the morning i should definetly be asleep, and i am failing to keep quiet.
and i like how you think, with shimo
DeltaWolf2038 chapter 9 . 12/9/2022
i feel like this naruto, as long as it has noodles in the recipe he would make it.
"yeah, i saw this thing on the internet, it's where they make a grilled cheese with ramen. you think you could make it"
naruto:*looks up at sign* ... Sure
deoxeyses chapter 13 . 11/30/2022
Guest chapter 13 . 11/24/2022
That was damn well done.
Aedwards179 chapter 1 . 11/17/2022
Ah fuck it's a harem. it started out great but got ruined pretty fast
Aedwards179 chapter 1 . 11/17/2022
Isn't there a kid in his class whose quirk. is just extending his fingers? why is Izuku getting called useless if people like that exist
XxKonekoLoverxX chapter 8 . 11/17/2022
I'm tearing up
XxKonekoLoverxX chapter 3 . 11/16/2022
I really hope naruto and hinata are a regular occurrence
jcbat21 chapter 7 . 11/4/2022
The story started out good.. then you started to over do the lemon parts .. im not fond of it but i can still just skip those parts .. next you kept on adding to the harem .. dont like harem stories that much but what killed it with me is when even bakugo's mom is interested then next chapter you have him flirt with midnight... so this will be a no for me
TheFirstSpectator chapter 13 . 11/1/2022
I just discovered this story today and got instantly hooked. I love both the plot and pacing that you've written in. My only complaint is that the updating speed, going off the recently updated and publish date is going to be slow.
Blaze1992 chapter 13 . 10/26/2022
Damn for a minute there it was like he gained the power of the spiral.
Great CH, wonder if RG can force the aqua villan into being under her custody since healing quirks are as rare as teleporters.
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