Reviews for The First Pillar
Sindas chapter 2 . 6/10/2024
serration is cringe
biob1 chapter 7 . 5/26/2024
Finally metal
biob1 chapter 6 . 5/26/2024
Honestly didn't expect much from this story at first but I have gotta say you got me hooked. I love stories like that ones that draw you in.
Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 10 . 5/13/2024
I had major Dante and Vergil vibes from that last bit.

Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 6 . 5/13/2024
How did i not catch on that it was Warframe.

I was an Excalibur main mostly cause "Keep Calm and Exhalted Blade" was what got me through a lot of crap that i didnt have the gear, time, or friends (or a clan) to otherwise get through.

Rhino is a beast though, and is probably the most useful Solo Warframe i've ever touched.

fuck everything in late/endgame cause it knocks you down flat. Rhino "you can kill me, but i will die standing, bitches."
Caramonv2 chapter 15 . 5/8/2024
Please, dont be discouraged. And ont let anyone persuade you with shitty comments. ive been focusing on this story and deeply invested in it. I truly want to see how you resolve and changethe character growth nd story arches you've already crafted and made possible.
this story is genuinely one of the best MHA fanfics on this site.

Your writing is so gripping and human in the way that it conveys emotion and subtlety.

I'm really looking forward to the next chapters, So please. keep writing!
Llewey chapter 15 . 4/23/2024
Is this story dead? Its a shame when a well written fanfic dies prematurely
Joepart5 chapter 1 . 3/24/2024
Bro is making me think of that scene: the sand man is born from spider man (3?)
LordHalfrican chapter 13 . 3/22/2024
Hayausa Smash is still just fucking dope
blasterdog chapter 15 . 2/28/2024
Dope story, great concept and his power is sick. Toga’s a beast
Kenrio chapter 1 . 2/25/2024
Any fic that have bakogiu treat mc as shit but author make mc continuing seing bakogiu a better ligh is trash, and clearly show the sick mind of the author
Vemyr Kycil chapter 15 . 2/21/2024
15 chapters over 3 years means an average update of 2-3 months, and as of now it's creeping past 3. I can only hope that means there's still more coming and it's just taking awhile because quality takes time. This is really good shit and I'd love to see more of it.
chris81902 chapter 1 . 2/19/2024
10 to the power of 14
chris81902 chapter 15 . 2/19/2024
So momo can create nearly anything even theoretical material and izuku’s quirk allows him to manipulate stone and metal etc, and the denser the material the higher the amplification he gets, so the best stuff he could use to make a full suit of armor would be osmium, it is the densest material on earth (1 cubic cm22.59 grams).
But theoretically, Momo Could create something like (neutron star) which is (1 cubic cm 1014 grams) or
100 trillion grams theoretically it should be possible for him to manipulate it so if you want him to become a god, that’s how and that is, if I’m remembering correct how his quirk works
This is my first comment. I don’t know if this is where I was supposed to put something like this here.
Sagittipotenta chapter 4 . 1/26/2024
It was going well until 3 new characters joined his harem within a few paragraphs of their introduction without any development, feels like it was written by a different person
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