Reviews for The First Pillar
et-reader97 chapter 1 . 11/22/2023
Nice story so far, I really like the start you have going. It’s unique, original and interesting all at the same time. I can’t wait to see the other ways Izuku uses his quirk. Keep up the great work.
Guest chapter 12 . 11/21/2023
I'm not finished reading this yet since i still have 3 more chapters left too read but for the most part I think its pretty well done. Though the only thing a bit of problem with is I personally think it feels pointless and makes no sense for himiko too call Izuku her lover when they cleary both feel love for each other. The reason I say that is because usually people who are lovers don't love each other romantically basically my point is besides their relationship being described as lovers, Where as in reality they are practically boyfriend and girlfriend in all except name. So too be honest author I don't know what your reasoning is for them being described as "lovers" but from my point of view the only reasoning I can think of for you too write himiko and izuku's relationship with each other is that for some reason if himiko was actually his girlfriend that should wouldn't be ok with a harem or something despite a small handful of mha fanfics do exactly that in a satisfying way. Though me typing all this is honestly not an attempt too hate since at the end of the day, its your story and nobody else's though I'm sure I don't need too tell you that so please only take this as constructive criticism even if it might not completely qualify as actual constructive criticism.
NewMystery356 chapter 15 . 11/20/2023
Mina’s comment about “the gun-kata of a rich person” really tickled my funny one. Also, I loved the line about a dormant volcano and blood sacrifices~ ALL of it in general was really great, and I’m curious what Izuku was doing off to the side. Eager for more!
And not just because of the Twin-Ocha-Play you hinted at.
TheUnknowableOne chapter 15 . 11/16/2023
Indeed, frick those places.
Many thanks for the chapter!
Braeden1002 chapter 15 . 11/16/2023
It always makes it a great day when I see this story updated. I do like how they had to review the fights and go over what they did right and wrong as it makes sense considering that this is a hero school. Now if you had rewrote the fight scenes in their entirety then I would have gotten bored of the chapter pretty quickly. Honestly, I feel that many of the students did what they could considering they are not all as combat-effective and do not have the right mentality to actually be front-line fighters and not support or rescue heroes. Of all the characters that we saw I honestly feel that Shimo needs the most as she needs a kick in the ass to stop holding back for petty revenge and to actually learn that her actions have consequences. I know Katsuki seems as if she is the worst but I feel that she would at least understand and learn from her experiences when it comes to her explosions.

I wonder if some of the female classmates are having second thoughts when it comes to Izuku after the fights. I cannot figure out if Katsuki is looking to fight Izuku and not have to hold back or if she wants to ride him (if she even realizes that she is attracted to him). I still find the 'Yu' and 'you' jokes funny and it gets a little giggle or smile out of me each time I see it happen. I would have been disappointed if things weren't changed for the Sports Festival considering that many of them have been training together already so I would expect that a lot of Class A are already significantly improved from what they had been in the original series; now what will be interesting to see is how Class B stacks up in comparison and if there will be any notable standouts in the other classes that are looking to get into the hero course or just wanting recognition.
Trixuny chapter 15 . 11/15/2023
Always glad to see a chapter of this
SonicMax chapter 15 . 11/15/2023
I had to download the app for me to get any notifications about story's updating. even the emails stopped working. this site needs to fix itself.
VincentFS chapter 15 . 11/15/2023
Fuck. The “force counseling on the students for angst” cliche. Can we expect 2-4 chapters of people suddenly breaking down?
Luffy15 chapter 15 . 11/15/2023
I forgot everything about this story, had to go back to reread it. I was reminded that I really love Himiko in this story.

A guy chapter 15 . 11/15/2023
Thanks for the chapter, I loved it, this day's a good day, stay healthy.
Guest chapter 15 . 11/15/2023
welcome back and thanks for the update. loved how the class went over the fights and commented on them
BJJPanda chapter 15 . 11/15/2023
This is my favourite mha story so I am glad to see an update! Also, wouldn't the Yu/you joke only work in english which presumably they aren't speaking
heartfanglives chapter 15 . 11/15/2023
Excited as always to see this fic update! Always a pleasure. While the reacting got a bit old, always like it when a character can show off and be recognized for it and several characters got to do that here. Can’t wait for the next one!
Victor Ebone chapter 15 . 11/14/2023
thanks for the chapter
Verdauga chapter 15 . 11/14/2023
That was quite interesting and amusing
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