Reviews for The First Pillar
The Alone Sage chapter 1 . 11/16/2020
frickin awesome!
ocomolinaehain chapter 1 . 11/16/2020
You know...I’m already thinking up ideas, like how he could constantly shift the pebbles around his body (like hands, wrists, feet, etc) for cutting things or moving faster by constant rotating them on his feet. (Or hands for attacking)
genaralraam chapter 1 . 11/16/2020
This is really good iv had the same thought about izuku having a garra like power and this fits it to a tee. Also could you add teams to you story in all others I read people never form a hero team and the thought I always had with the garra like power was a team up with momo she keeps him supplied with sand and he covers her to get in close or time to make something, but just an idea I'd love to see looking forward to the next chapter.
Douggernaut chapter 1 . 11/16/2020
Sweet quirk idea! Looking forward to how badass Deku will be!
bigjerm chapter 1 . 11/16/2020
This is a really cool idea I love it
Pinkypi chapter 1 . 11/16/2020
can't wait to see more the idea was pretty good and a great way to make him seem less and show how short sighted things can seem and that once outside the box the reality was explosive.
GabAlmadrones chapter 1 . 11/16/2020
I like to see Bakugou get super emotional or something when she realizes deku can protect himself.

Bakugou is just...Misguided on how to care for someone

i mean her mother is mitsuki HAHA and their kids

i hope she is paired with Deku in this because i dont see why she is female if not for that
NewMystery356 chapter 1 . 11/16/2020
Geez, Baka-gou's a real DICK. Not that she HAS one, but that's beside the point...
Izuku's [Mineral Armor] is pretty damn cool. If he can turn Silica into "power armor", imagine what he could do with something like... TUNGSTEN! That shit's the "Gojira" of the mineral world.
Also, the fact that he's INTENTIONALLY going to hide his Quirk before he yanks Baka-gou's tower out from under her, at least THIS time he'll have the fun of doing what he's been accused of.
Awesome story, eager to see more! Plus Ultra!
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