Reviews for Spartans Don't Play Games
Ranger003 chapter 59 . 1/29
I really hope that Min won’t just move to the lands beyond the wall and go native with the Free Folk. Even though the spartans are socially inept due to their upbringing, they still know and respect the laws and culture of the UEG and they wouldn’t tolerate a lot of the horrific aspects of the Free Folk way of life, and they surely wouldn't join.

What I really want is that Min and a few other members of the crew will start a new colony beyond the wall. With fusion and other UNSC’s technologies they could create a thriving community beyond the wall and make it even better than the southern kingdoms, with that colony they could claim those territories for the UEG since right now it’s no man's land. If the Free Folk wants to live in the new colony they should be welcome as long as they agree to follow UEG’s law and integrate in the new culture, I’m sure that there would be many that would be willing to change their way of life in exchange for security, abundant food and a better life for themselves and their family.

Also, you should consider uploading this story on Questionable Questing. I'd love to have more active discussions of this story and this is the kind of story that would generate a lot of feedback. To avoid the same situation of Spacebattles you should release the story slowly so to allow discussion to form, maybe release one chapter a week until the chapters catch up? I’d love to see what people think of this story at large.
Guest chapter 59 . 1/28
Keep doing this pls don’t fall behind on it
27mad97 chapter 1 . 1/28
I love this fic but i have problem with the the Plaetea crew being this passive and giving alligance to anyone else they should only answer to the UNSC so why didn't they takeover the 7 kingdoms or atleast packup and fly the ship to Esoss and takeover the slaver cities they should have done that it would have allowed them to assimilate the freed slaves to their culture and have greater manpower incase the covenant found them or they were the last of the UEG it would insure that the UEG would survive also why would Kurt discharge the Spartans and the crew don't they need a military and what would the Spartans even do they become uncomfortable when they take off their armour and despite the fic name the Spartans did in fact played the game of thrones and the didn't gain anything from it and after the Spartans showed their might and know they were in it for the long haul why did they still pander to these assholes who call themselves nobels ?
Guest chapter 59 . 1/22
Damn, 2 hella deep chapters. Brought a tear to my eye. Next chapter… honestly, i hope next chapter is of Rhaella. Having her speak to one of the spartan III’s she is familiar with and speaking to them about kurt. Having a bit of his history revealed how he had been fighting since young, against an enemy that burnt entire planets, of his sacrifices, that he had no choice in, and what that has done to him. Letting her see some of the context of his life. Maybe even add in autumn showing some holographic images of the covenants destruction and of kurt fighting. If you wana kick us in the feels, that sort of revelation would hit like a truck. That no matter ehat suffering Rhaella went through, kirt has been through worse, and has fought his entire life to save people from having to take the burden of that suffering themselves. That he lived his whole life expecting to die defending humanity. Maybe add in a bit about spartans being the hope for humanity, that they dont get killed in action, only ever go missing in action. Try to just convey the burden he held before reaching Westeros, and how despite everything he has done, the future of everything he fought his entire life for is out of his hands and that he has to come to terms with that.

Maybe even have mendez be the one to speak about it, given his insight into kurts life since the start. Giving Rhaella that perspective which gives context to everything she has seen of the man, his scar she saw from back in the red keep, his outward appearance etc. maybe even have her come to the conclusion that his condescending attitude towards the locals is less to do with how primitive they are - although that may be a part of it - but at how they are so blissfully ignorant of what is out there that he had been fighting. Of how the lack of that gaze when looking at his fellow spartans is due to them fighting shoulder to shoulder with him.

Like these are just some brief points you can go into some serious depth with, and having Rhaella, who had just seen one of humanity’s greatest warriors at their absolute lowest, reacting to seeing that would make for one fucking emotional as hell chapter.

Hell, it could even give some context to the ‘graduation song’ and how mournful it is, since the spartans graduating would be marching to their deaths against an enemy massacring humanity. Like you could make the next chapter fucking deep as hell, and provide Rhaella with the context about kurt that would allow their relationship to get some foundation. For her to see him as the soldier that had committed his life and death towards a goal he can no longer fight towards. Like damn, you set the scene for something like this absolutely amazingly, and I seriously hope you capitulate on it and bring up some, if not all of the above points up in the discussion. Distraught Rhaella admitting to seeing kurt in that state, a disbelieving spartan hearing about what happened and trying to comfort her, or the not so regulation following AI seeing her state and deciding to try and help her captain out a bit.

But yeah, aside from my non verbal splurge of how to hit people in the feels, this has been a frankly brilliantly written work. Most halo fics i sort of expect to be written by the spartan wanabe kiddies (ie those who change their gamertags to a cannon or non cannon spartan’s id tag and run around role playing like 5 hear olds), so i was admittedly a little hesitant to read this one. But you uave seriously blown that outa my mind. While i will admit i feel that the spartans show a bit too much emotion, and loose their emotionlessness a bit too quickly (which might not be 100% accurate due to me not accurately clocking how much time has passed on their Westeros vacation),what you have conveyed about their thought processes, emotions and so on is a level of depth i honestly didn’t expect going into this, especially as Spartans are so often idealised by the previously mentioned wanabe kiddies so they never actually consider the fact that Spartans are emotionally shattered individuals effectively receiving the indoctrination that children of countries like north korea and china receive.

So in all, despite this not being the best work i have read, in part limited due to the constraints of having a self sufficient capital ship from what, 2554 was it? In a medieval world limiting just how much struggle the Spartans would face, you have executed it frankly perfectly. Like seriously, most would just have the UNSC steam roll the natives and have done. But with the legal reasoning, political positioning and logic behind it, and the setting with initial hope of getting home dictating their actions, only for that reasoning to change in favour of plans for their long term stay… well, this is frankly a masterpiece in its own way. So props to you for writing this, and a big old good job. Thereis so mich else i could compliment you on such as with your accurate portrayal of characters, understanding of the regional politics, etc.

I look forward to your next chapters.

Would be hilarious to see Euron Greyjoy watch his ship get obliterated by a - i think its a miniaturised MAC gun the condor uses? Never actually delved into the specific specs for the condor. But it would be hilarious, especially if he tried to use his dragon horn on it to bring the big, loud, metal dragon under his control .
alero6159 chapter 59 . 1/15
Friend, please continue your story. I like it a lot and I read it in 2 days. It's not perfect but I loved it. The only recommendation I would make is that you emphasize the interest in the "others" since I think that a threat capable of hurting a Spartan would not be taken with such leniency. Take your time but talk more about the subject please.
hitmon126 chapter 58 . 1/14
I would like to apologize for my chapter 59 review I actually like the story and it your story and you can do what ever you want with it , it's just that get super pissed off when things said in the chapters contradict what stated in the books such as the in chapter 46 referring to the Orion-class assault carrier as a super carrier, the are only two ships that are referred to as a super carrier are the infinity and the Punic class vessel. I still think that high charity would have detected the platea and destroy it because they had thousands warships protecting it and even with the prowlers, I believe that high charity would have detected them because they could have used the forerunner dreadnought senor array to detect them and intercept them and I don't think that human stealth ships would have been able to avoid detection from forerunner tech. If gray team prowler (that has a nova bomb) was unwilling to destroy Sanghelios because the planet was to well guarded it means that mean covenant tech would have eventually have detect them and destroy them so they decided to destroy Glyke instead. I believe the only way they could have done that mission is if they stole a covenant warship and used a very powerful nuke to cause a lot of damage and the Spartans would have taken heavy casualties because they would be swarmed by hundreds of thousands of sangheli,brutes , etc... and the only reason the master chief wasn't killed was because they were in a civil war and without it, I believe that chief would have died on high charity plus the flood.
Link009 chapter 59 . 1/8
Looks like Kurt I'd going through an Odysseus phase XD . There are many parallels between this story and the odyssey: the lost ship in strange lands, the captain that sees himself as a monster, etc. I hope that Kurt will be able to overcome these feelings.

Have you ever see Epic: The Musical? Now that is has ended I really find it funny the many parallels with this story, let's hope that the crew survive this time.
Guest chapter 59 . 1/6
Fox McCloud chapter 59 . 1/5
It seems that the UNSC is getting most of their resources from space mining, since they don't have much land to get said resources, that's the answer to the Martells question about the materials to build the port of Doradus.

If the UNSC keeps mining asteroids, one project for them should be a space elevator. A space elevator would allow them to transport goods from those mines to New Currahee for a fraction of the cost of using Herons and, with a space station connected to the elevator, they could start manufacturing space infrastructure to expand their operations on the star system.

Also, they should consider building some space stations to do farming, since farms in orbit would have a more stable climate than Planetos, they could produce great amounts of food regardless Planetos harsh and long winters.
SansSK chapter 59 . 12/30/2024
I just realized that, unless they used all of their nukes agains the Covenant and can't make more for some reason, the UNSC would be the only nuclear armed state in the whole world. Good luck to anyone that try to attack or invade them.
MendicantBias219 chapter 58 . 12/29/2024
I wonder how big Fair Isle is and how many natives live there? Since it seems like the UNSC will be declaring their independence, it would be nice to see how much territory they will claim for themselves and how big their population will be besides the crew of the Plataea.

I think that the island must be around the size of Taiwan or the Vancouver Island, maybe with a climate similar to the second one. So, with half the island, they should have enough space to create some big urban centers and still have a lot of rural space to develop the best way they see fit.

If the UNSC keeps sharing the island with the Farman, I think it would be a situation like that of the Hispaniola Island with both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. One country being a developing one and the other being comparatively underdeveloped. Although, I think that the UNSC will gain control of the whole island relatively soon, I predict that the Farman, along with some support from Tywin, will send forces to try to regain control of the southern part of the island once the UNSC openly declares their independence from the Westerlands and the Seven Kingdoms. Once the UNSC destroy the Farman-Lannister forces, they will claim control of the northern part of the island as well and, if they reach an agreement with Robert, this doesn't have to escalate into a war between the UNSC and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms like the Greyjoy Rebellion.

I also hope to see how the Plataea, being a military ship, will influence their new civilization. I share the opinion of another review that they should implement some mandatory military service like that of Israel or South Korea, if only to always maintain a ready and capable military, in case they ever encounter the Covenant again or some other inhuman hostile entity.

I'm very interested in seeing how a sci-fi civilization like the UEG will develop a relatively small territory in a fantasy setting. If they do it right they could create a vibrant new colony of the UEG without a worthy rival on Planetos.
MendicantBias219 chapter 59 . 12/29/2024
I wonder how big Fair Isle is and how many natives live there? Since it seems like the UNSC will be declaring their independence, it would be nice to see how much territory they will claim for themselves and how big their population will be besides the crew of the Plataea.

I think that the island must be around the size of Taiwan or the Vancouver Island, maybe with a climate similar to the second one. So, with half the island, they should have enough space to create some big urban centers and still have a lot of rural space to develop the best way they see fit.

If the UNSC keeps sharing the island with the Farman, I think it would be a situation like that of the Hispaniola Island with both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. One country being a developing one and the other being comparatively very poor and underdeveloped. Although, I think that the UNSC will gain control of the whole island relatively soon, I predict that the Farman, along with some support from Tywin, will send forces to try to regain control of the southern part of the island once the UNSC openly declares their independence from the Westerlands and the Seven Kingdoms. Once the UNSC destroy the Farman-Lanister forces, they will claim control of the northern part of the island as well and, if they reach an agreement with Robert, this doesn't have to escalate to a war between the UNSC and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms like the Greyjoy Rebellion was.

I also hope to see how the Plataea, being a military ship, will influence their new civilization. I share the opinion of another review that they should implement some mandatory military service like that of Israel or South Korea, if only to always maintain a ready and capable military, in case they ever encounter the Covenant again or some other inhuman hostile entity.

I'm very interested in seeing how a sci-fi civilization like the UEG will develop a relatively small territory in a fantasy setting. If they do it right they could create a vibrant new colony of the UEG without a worthy rival on Planetos.
summer164 chapter 9 . 12/25/2024
Enjoyed the chapter
Kurt briefly came off as snobby
Like there isn't much entertainment for the time period and this kind of thing allows the small folk a rare break and a chance to see merchants from far away as most people did not travel.

Rhaegar is focused on the wrong thing

And I enjoyed the politics
summer164 chapter 4 . 12/25/2024
Honestly love the reactions
And that for once the Crossover isn't focused on the North
StarWarsfan1 chapter 57 . 12/22/2024
New Currahee Onyx ist das nicht das selbe oder sind das 2 Städte vor platea und ist der unsc Abschnitt an platea direkt und durch Mauer von der Stadt getrennt und ist die Stadt von einer Mauer umgeben
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