Reviews for Two Holidays and a Funeral
Momma Laura chapter 15 . 10/14
What a nice way to start out a week - found this and thought I'd give it a whirl! So thankful I did. Lady Charlotte reminds me of Lady Catherine in Pride and Prejudice!
twiclare chapter 15 . 7/29
That was just brilliant fun!
Wyattsmom0706 chapter 15 . 7/5
I can't saw anything except that I absolutely loved this!
HollBeth chapter 9 . 6/3
Genuinely laughed out loud during their text exchanges - you are so good at that!
HollBeth chapter 6 . 6/2
*squeals in British*
HollBeth chapter 1 . 6/2
Well, I gotta say…as much of a romantic as I am, that’d still be enough to make me run with no coffee or second chances. I hope she sees the light before he does…IF he does.
Guest chapter 15 . 5/20
i just re-read this and it was so much fun to read. i loved lady charlotte! hehe
Guest chapter 13 . 5/20
LMAO the idea of Lady Charlotte texting is hilarious
FrustratedLawStudent chapter 15 . 5/16
Amazing story!
I love the culture clashes! And Lady Charlotte’s approachnot to trivialize your story but it would make an amzing (Christmas) moviei can just imagine the scene in Celeste.

Thank you for creatingsharing these characters and their story!
Just Sus chapter 8 . 4/29
What a big beotch! I can't believe Edward ever loved her!
Toni Masen chapter 15 . 4/26
Mmmm, what a dreamboat this Edward is. The loud and brash Bella was quite irritating. Loved Lady Charlotte. The twist with Diddy knowing what her husband was up to all along and her getting her kicks from it was an excellent plot line.
arthemys chapter 15 . 4/21
Wonderful story ! I loved it ! Thanks !
2loveybunnies chapter 15 . 4/16
OMG, I know that I should have reviewed every chapter, but I have to say that I couldn't stop reading long enough to share my thoughts! I LOVED this story, and even though it's been a hot minute since you posted it, I just found it and realized I had not read it. My loss. I love that it was complete, and I could zip right through. I think I might have gone crazy waiting for any gaps in the update schedule while you were actively posting (or when you lost your muse), so I guess I win! Thank you for sharing this with us! I honestly needed this hopeful, sexy, funny, and endearing story the past few days, and as much as I thought I would hate The Dowager, she became my favorite character! I have to admit (and this is ironic because my father-in-law was from Aberdeen) I still couldn't understand a word Jasper said, but I'm sure it was funny! And the sexy banter between Bella and Edward just makes me wish for a British "prince" or Baron - whatever it takes - of my own. Now that it's over, I want more! Maybe one day you'll throw out an outtake to let us know how everyone is doing? Thank you, thank you, thank you! Perfection!
BellaMendes chapter 15 . 10/26/2023
aw I loved it, very heartwarming and I'm now curious to see the movie this was based on
BellaMendes chapter 11 . 10/26/2023
absolutely adorable story, this chapter was beautiful
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