Reviews for A Blade Forged In The Ashes
xfel chapter 12 . 8/8/2021
Ohhh, so this is still an early timeline. Interesting.

Also, I was sceptical of that whole thing with Oriko, but I really like how it turned out now. Guess some things have to happen.
Diaspared chapter 37 . 8/6/2021
Heh, Rin's bleeding through Ereshkigal's demeanor.
Alrescha Alice chapter 37 . 8/6/2021
it's kind of funny... when archer says "even now I can't trace the structure of a soul gem even though I know its purpose,", and replied by Junko by that sentence. This is shirou that regularly fixes broken appliances (is raiga fujimura's bike fixing fanon?) and make cotton candy machine from memory.

great chapter.
OriChar chapter 37 . 8/6/2021
hmm, now part of me wants to see miyuverse (Oath Under Snow) Shirou be transported with Miyu here through his wish (because of the same reason as other fanfics, she can't be happy without him) and see how Incubator would react to her wish granting powers, mostly because that guy is annoying and I want him to question until he self implodes how a kid can grant wishes, and to see EMIYA and Miyuverse Shirou interact because Miyu Shirou sacrificed the world for his sister

although that probably wouldn't fit into the story, maybe a series of Omake's though
Guest chapter 37 . 8/6/2021
Don;t leave Yuma behind Kyoko ;-; You left behind Momo and remember what happened?
Blindguy95 chapter 36 . 8/6/2021
Im liking this sooo much hah keep it up!
fangs of death chapter 36 . 7/28/2021
Great story so far!
fangs of death chapter 22 . 7/24/2021
Really hoping to see who this person is? Great story so far!
RenegadeForLife chapter 36 . 7/23/2021
That's going to end poorly...
TimeDiver chapter 36 . 7/23/2021
F/GO contintuity error; Robin/Tomohisa speaks of 'most of us' being sent back to the Throne of Heroes after Solomon (actually Goetia) was dealt with, which given some other claims made thus far by him and EMIYA, throw that into doubt.

Given that both he and EMIYA are familiar with Erice and Voyager, their memories should cut off after being dismissed at some point after (or during) the Lostbelts, in which case the final enemy would most likely be the Foreign God/Beast VII.

Then again, if the 'events' aren't necessarily in chronological order, it isn't impossible that Erice and Voyager could have been summoned MUCH earlier; perhaps even before the final confrontation with the not-actually-the-King-of-Mages.

Just have to point the above out... apologies if I've given away spoilers that you don't have access to or wanted to know about; after all, said developments (presumably) have no particular bearing on THIS story's plot arc, beyond filler.
Batta the Beast chapter 35 . 7/18/2021
Huhh. Madokas dad is Robin hood and Tatsuya also gets bows? Oh wow. Seems to be a looot of stuff happening that I'm not too clear about why but hopefully we will find out why.
A Sleeping Moon chapter 31 . 7/18/2021
Ah so outside this world line the 'goddess' found a way to reverse even a bit of the madness the Witches have to return back their sanity. But do they lise their memories or is the girl was just too young to fully understand when tauggt about Stranger Danger.

Also man, Momo got press ganged onto a 'gang'!
Guest chapter 35 . 7/16/2021
Wait, they aint gonna wonder how Robin Hood become human? They just gonna shrug it off? Both Eresh and Robin Hood feels OOC here. Eresh prolly wouldn't say anything to the fact that Shirou laugh. And wtf Kyoko still gonna be a witch?
A Sleeping Moon chapter 30 . 7/18/2021
Huh so said Goddess who is Madoka too has other back up plans in case too. It would seem she's not desperate and now I wonder how they would deal with this new factors.
A Sleeping Moon chapter 29 . 7/18/2021
Wait, are they actually using Stands!? Its a freaking Jojo meme everybody!

Also now that Emiya's status is out of the bag, would his Harem Protag. EX still work as intended? A cup... yeah, the chance of it being a Grail is pretty damn high.
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