Reviews for Percy Jackson & The Sapphire Flame
Matt chapter 7 . 11/28/2020
Happy Thanksgiving! P.S. Hope this Percy dies.
Joe-El chapter 6 . 11/27/2020
Do you plan on Percy using his earth shaker powers? Or will he learn earth and/or air bending I think he could theoretically learn them. His Father would give him the affinity because of his earthquake domain and his storm
domain respectively. Plus air benders originally learned from the flying Bison so anything should be possible, right? Great job so far keep it up!
Guest chapter 6 . 11/27/2020
Interesting. I read Percy and the Princess before, and I can say that this work is definitely better in terms of language and execution. I hope that you can keep up the good work, and hopefully not end up abandoning the work like the og fic
Guest chapter 5 . 11/27/2020
This is a fun story, I can’t wait to keep reading
Callum Runchman chapter 6 . 11/27/2020
I'm sorry did you publish 6 chapters from another story all at once? Like I'm fairly confident I've read this on Wattpad before so I'm wondering if it has been adopted by you and you'll be continuing it, carrying on the story throughout the rest of book 2 and book 3? I do love this side of percy and am curious to see just how much Percy will change Azula for the better
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